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Thread: A Sincere Thank You

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2004

    A Sincere Thank You

    I found this web site yesterday and have been avidly reading all of the posts. I wanted to thank each of you for the comments, suggestions, and especially the creator for making this site available.

    I am currently enrolled to begin my final semester at a community college to finish prerequisites to enter a BSN program in January. I start classes on May 8.

    Six years ago, while struggling with dead end job after dead end job, I enrolled in a community college in Florida and declared a Nursing major for an ADN program there. I worked hard and got accepted into the program first try. (Something I was very proud of.) However, I declined my spot in the program due to the stigma of being a male and attempting to be a nurse. I have continued to work in jobs I hate to attempt to pay the bills. Once again, I am going to attempt to be a nurse and I think this web site and all of you are helping me to know I am making the correct chioce for me.

    Things I know are ahead:
    1. It will be difficult.
    2. It will be worth it.

    Anyway, as the title says, I appreciate this site. If I had found this 6 years ago, maybe I would be among the great people I have seen post here, and an active member of a profession I know I can truly contribute to.


  2. #2

    Re: A Sincere Thank You

    Good luck to you.. .NEVER allow anyone to question your choice of a career in nursing. Nursing is difficult, fun, challenging, goose bump causing, Just do your best, enjoy and to hell with the rest of them...

    WR,,, three commas for Becca

  3. #3

    Re: A Sincere Thank You


    Thank you for your comments. We wish you the best of luck on everything. If there is anything we can do to help, let us know. If there is anything you would like to see on our sites that are not on her already, let us know, we'll do our best at getting that on here. Best of Luck!

  4. #4
    Member Extraordinaire Aaron C.'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Re: A Sincere Thank You

    Thanks for the great comments. Keep us updated on things...

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