I need some advice. I am a new RN of only 4months. I work on a cardiac step down floor in a michigan hospital. I have always wanted to be a nurse, ever since I was in 2nd grade. I knew there was a staffing shortage and that it would be hardwork. However I never thought 4 months after achieving my dream and starting my career I would already hate it. SInce I have started my job 9 nurses, on my floor alone, have quit. We constantly work short staffed and nurses are always calling in. I should also mention I work midnights. I love being a nurse and I am very disappointed at the way i feel. I don't want to leave nursing or the health profession but I don't know what to do. Everyday I go to work I am nervous and constantly feel that my license is in jepordy. I guess I am looking for advice on whether this is a normal feeling for a new nurse to have? What should I do? I would love to get involved more in the political aspects...in michigan we have no limits to patient nurse ratios or overtime. A persons health is the most important thing in life, without health there is no life....yet there really is no prominent political support for nurses. Atleast not in michigan. ANY ADVICE?