Funny how he came rusing in, maybe when he cannulated the aorta he KNEW he had done something wrong. All I can say is.. you need a NURSE to save your life! Good job.
Some times ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
Funny how he came rusing in, maybe when he cannulated the aorta he KNEW he had done something wrong. All I can say is.. you need a NURSE to save your life! Good job.
Yes, you are right about that.
I had a CV Dr about 6 months ago yell at me over the phone for 10 minutes about why I called his answering service after 9pm "ANY RESPECTABLE FATHER WOULD BE HOME AT 9PM" instead of helping me with a simple order for some Levo or Neo, NOOO!!! He had to lecture me on "calling that poor little lady at the answering service and waking her up! I just want to know why...." DUDE, your fresh heart's BP is freaking 50/nothing. Shut up and give me an order. After 15 minutes, I finally got an order, hung up....kept the pt alive. (by the way the original phone call was at 10pm). At 2:30am, Dr smartypants called back, and said "Hey just checking how the pt was doing, and wanted to remind you about the full lunar eclipse tonight in about 30 mintes" OK 2 things: what the (*@#&$. and DUDE, I'm working on your stinking heart pt, I don't have time to go check on the moon!!!!! What the )@(#$!??