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Thread: Words of Encouragment...

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Words of Encouragment...

    Hi Everyone, I am almost twenty-two, I have had to wait for a year and a half to get into a BSCN program. Now I am facing the possilbilty of waiting another year. I am #7 on the waitlist and I will be moving up some more, the chances are good that I will get in. I read all the posts regarding entering nursing as a male. I tell myself not to let that bother me but it is an issue. What is it like going through nursing school as a man?? I am interested in medecine and I would like the excitment of nursing. But as school grows nearer, I find myself questioning if I can make it. I could use some input from any other nurses out there about why you decided nursing and how it has been for you through your schooling and now working as a nurse. And also, is there anything that I should do with my extra year if I don't get in this september??? Any Help would be great. John.

  2. #2

    Re: Wrods of Encouragment...

    John,, I didn't go to nursing school until I was 28 THE FIRST TIME..YIKES. I had two kids and a husband.. I didn't work outside of school that year I went to LPN school.

    I went back full time into a BSN program in 1995 and graduated in Dec of 1996. Yes I had been taking courses for years before that. In 1987 I worked 40 hours per week in a dialysis unit and two twelve hour nights EVERY weekend for a year. I would go into the dialysis unit at 0700 until 1730 every other Sat go home change my uniform and then be at the hospital for 1830 until 0700 the next morning.. And I worked 7p -7a Sunday night. I had a 8 o'clock every Mon and it was Pathophysiology.. I also took Chemistry and Nurtrition that summer,

    I was a single mom then with a 10 year old son.

    I graduated from my BSN program in 1996 cum laude. I was 45...With a minor in Poly Sci..

    You can do it.. You just gotta wanna..

    WR,,, three commas for Becca

    If you don't get in the first time use that time to enjoy your life.. Work, save some money for school and tell yourself you can do it.. As far as a career I wouldn't do anything else.. Sure it's tough and frustrating but if you find the perfect job please let me know I'd like to go with you....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    New Jersey

    Re: Wrods of Encouragment...

    Hello John,

    I'd trust your instincts and your motivation for going into Nursing in the first place. I went into it because I enjoyed the patient care, knew I'd always have a job and that there were an unlimited # of career options I could pursue once I had some experience.

    I've been a nurse for over seven years, tried hospital, home health, long term care, informatics and still have plenty of other types of nursing I want to explore.

    Is it a bit weird being a guy working in a woman's world? Yep, just a bit. You get used to it though. It's also a trend that guys gravitate towards ER and Critical Care environments. For some reason, we also move up the career ladder a bit faster.

    You can read a few "Nurses Views of The Nursing Profession" articles here. there are a few eye-openers.

    Wish you luck!

    Andrew Lopez, RN

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