I am currently researching the training and skill set that Long Term Care DONs need to be successful. I have been researching this topic for two years now. Having been a DON who "CRASHED," in my first three years, I identified the need to help others succeed in this difficult role. I currently train new DONs, I teach them leadership and how to be effective LTC DONs. I do this through the Director of Nursing Training Institute
(please visit www.brownleeandassociates.com click on "DON Training Institute." However, I am interested in hearing from all on this topic. "WHAT SKILLS DO TODAY'S DONs NEED IN ORDER TO SUCCEED?" I believe that we all can make a difference, and the only way to improve resident care is to ensure that DONs are educated. Hence, we cannot expect a CNA or any direct staff member to deliver quality care if the DON doesn't know what quality care entails.

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The Director of Nursing Training Institute-2006