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  1. #1
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    gay male nurse coming out at work

    I am a gay male nurse who works at a small town cimmunity hosiptal...I am thinking about coming out at work because the females keep hitting on me e.g pinchinh my bvehind etc etc and ideas are appreciated

  2. #2
    Member Extraordinaire Aaron C.'s Avatar
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    Re: gay male nurse coming out at work

    If you want to come out come out. Personally, I can understand your situation with the females even though I'm not gay. I worked at a place where I was the only male and the women were all twice my age and none of them were attractive (though that's not the point). I'm married but it didn't stop them from talking about me right in front of me and or hitting on my and stuff like that.

    It was VERY uncomfortable.

    In fact, it went so far as one of them talking about her sex life in front of me and me telling her I didn't care to hear about it, at which point she proceeded to offer me oral sex. I said, I'm married. She said, so.

    I immediately told the supervisor. She was suspended for one week and back at it again the next week. Needless to say I didn't work there very long. But this wasn't harmless flirting. This was out and out sexual harrassment by multiple employees. It was flattering at first, but got old really quickly. The employees there were ignorant in my opinion, and it's scary that they even have a job at all, let alone the ones they had taking care of sick people.

    Why not just say, "I'd appreciate it if you NOT do that anymore." If it doesn't stop, tell the supervisor you are uncomfortable with it."

    Of course, if you do this it might create some ill will and then when they do find out you are gay, they'll treat you poorly.

    They are going to find out eventually though, I would assume.

    I guess the question is are you comfortable with telling them? I'm sure it's a very difficult thing to do, depending on the people around you and how tolerant/open minded they might be.

    I live in the bible belt and have worked with a couple of gay nurses and nurse aides and they were well received for the most part by everyone.

    My take is that personally I don't agree with the choice (if it really is a choice), but if it doesn't really matter as long as it has no affect on your job and it shouldn't, and though I think it's wrong, I don't know anyone who doesn't do things wrong. I am certainly not above reproach in that category either. I'm sure I do a great deal of things that many would consider wrong. We all have our own views of the world and what is and what should be. That doesn't necessarily make our views right and other's wrong.

    That's why I wouldn't treat you any different from anyone else. People who are intolerant of differences based on sex/race/religion, etc. are ignorant and insecure. You can include sexuality in there but many might disagree because many believe it is a choice. I lean that way but it is for sure that no straight man knows the truth so what can one really say? Kinda like abortion. I'm generally against it except in certain cases however I am not a woman and have no idea what it would be like to have a child growing inside me therefore I don't choose to attempt to impose my views as the right view on others.

    Man I'm sorry, I know you didn't want to hear all this nonsense. You just wanted advice on your question. You probably get tired of this same old stuff coming up. Anyway, good luck with your delemna and I hope it works out for the best.

    Keep us updated on how it turns out.

  3. #3

    Re: gay male nurse coming out at work

    Hi ,

    There isn't any reason that you shouldn't come out at work, but I would advise you to think hard about how you do so. At any rate, I would suggest that you go about business as usual and when the opportunity arises, speak to each individual that you ordinarily work with and mention the subject. I believe this approach keeps sexuality in the right perspective. Making announcements in groups of people will likely generate huge amounts of tabloid style gossip and make it harder for you. No doubt the news will travel fast anyway. Keep in mind that it is not you doing the changing but others' perrceptions of you. My guess is that it could be uncomfortable on both sides for awhile but keep your chin up and try to remain the usual you. BTW, are you out everywhere else just not at work? If so, your news might not be news at all. Good luck.


  4. #4
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    Re: gay male nurse coming out at work

    I too am a gay male nurse. I am not real flamboyant, but it doesn't take most people long to figure out my story either. I am not a person to air the dirty laundry at work. I don't care to hear about nor do I want to know if my co-workers are gay, straight, lesbian, etc. Nor do I feel it is important for them to have to have a confirmation from me that I am gay or straight. Who they crawl between the sheets with at home is their business and who I choose to go to bed with at home is mine.

    If the girls at work are hitting on you and you do not appreciate it and these advances, comments and pinching is unwanted or unsolicited you need to just simply tell them. Once you tell them if this type of inappropriate behavior continues then you need to report this conduct to your HR representative to investigate and deal with. Believe you me...women are more like than men to yell Sexual Harassment and at a drop of a dime. I bet if a man were to pin one of these offending women to the wall in the med-room and feel her up she would be yelling Sexual Harassment as fast as she could twist her backside to the HR department. Pinching and patting someone (male or female) is inappropriate touching and these women need to be disciplined for their behavior if it continues and you have asked them to is certainly not a reason to air your sexual preferences at work. That's your personal business and that in my opinion should remain personal and private.


  5. #5
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    Wink Re: gay male nurse coming out at work

    Quote Originally Posted by nurse47557
    I am a gay male nurse who works at a small town cimmunity hosiptal...I am thinking about coming out at work because the females keep hitting on me e.g pinchinh my bvehind etc etc and ideas are appreciated
    Sexual harassment is sexual harassment regardless of who is doing it. In the workplace it should not be tolerated. Your rights are being violated. I would pull these individuals to the side and if they continue go up your chain of command. If this does not stop the harassment I would consider the legal implications involved here.

    As far as your sexual orientation that is your business and not anyone else. If you think "coming out of the closet" will end this harassment you might find yourself in a bad situation. I have known some females that were so self absorbed and conceded that they truly believed they could turn any gay male straight. Instead of having the harassment stop you might have it explode. I am not trying to put down anyone that lives in a small town but you have to be careful about small town attitudes, which can exist anywhere.
    They might use your sexual preference against you, which is just as bad as the sexual harassment you have been enduring.

    My heart goes out to you mate. I have never used sexual preference as a way to define my friendships. I have seen what some of my friends have gone through throughout the years. I know you are under a lot of stress. I bet it ranks right up there with my upcoming move to Australia. Keep us posted

  6. #6
    Member Extraordinaire Aaron C.'s Avatar
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    Re: gay male nurse coming out at work

    Very good responses.

  7. #7

    Smile Re: gay male nurse coming out at work

    Maybe I am missing the point, but who cares if your gay? Some on this forum have said the correct answer but I guess the answer needs to be more specific. YOUR SEXUALITY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR JOB AS A NURSE! Why would you even talk about it with anyone at work? If you have time to talk about your sexuality then you are neglecting some poor patient somewhere in the hospital. GET TO WORK AND QUIT WORRYING ABOUT YOURSELF! Go to work and be nice to people the best you can and then go home to the lifestyle of your choice. If you are being sexually harassed then take it to your supervisor and to his/her supervisor and so on, if nothing is done to fix the problem. Have your partner stop by work someday and give him/her a huge, giant kiss right on the lips. I'm sure no words will need spoken after that. Many may look at you in a different light after that but then you should expect that since you are engaging in a behavior that is not normal in many peoples eyes. REMEMBER WHY YOU ARE A NURSE AND THEN YOU WON'T HAVE TIME TO WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF. Take care!!

  8. #8
    Moderator SoldierNurse's Avatar
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    Exclamation Re: gay male nurse coming out at work

    Quote Originally Posted by berean532000 View Post
    Maybe I am missing the point, but who cares if your gay? Some on this forum have said the correct answer but I guess the answer needs to be more specific. YOUR SEXUALITY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR JOB AS A NURSE! Why would you even talk about it with anyone at work? If you have time to talk about your sexuality then you are neglecting some poor patient somewhere in the hospital. GET TO WORK AND QUIT WORRYING ABOUT YOURSELF! Go to work and be nice to people the best you can and then go home to the lifestyle of your choice. If you are being sexually harassed then take it to your supervisor and to his/her supervisor and so on, if nothing is done to fix the problem. Have your partner stop by work someday and give him/her a huge, giant kiss right on the lips. I'm sure no words will need spoken after that. Many may look at you in a different light after that but then you should expect that since you are engaging in a behavior that is not normal in many peoples eyes. REMEMBER WHY YOU ARE A NURSE AND THEN YOU WON'T HAVE TIME TO WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF. Take care!!
    IMHO, it would be very inappropriate for his partner to give him a giant kiss right on the lips at the workplace.

    Yes, maybe you are missing the point by the OP. The point, as I understand, was if nurse47557 should make it known at his workplace he is a homosexual in order to stop the sexual harassment by his female nursing peers. I see nothing wrong with him gathering input from us to help him make his decision.

    However, my suggestion would be for him to talk to his supervisor before making some announcement over the PA system about his sexual orientation. I do agree with you that a good nurse is a good nurse, no matter race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Yet, ignorant folks can breed contempt. Therefore, this is a very important decision since once the closet is open... no going back to shut the door.
    Cary James Barrett, RN, BSN

  9. #9

    Smile Re: gay male nurse coming out at work

    Quote Originally Posted by MagRedC5 View Post
    IMHO, it would be very inappropriate for his partner to give him a giant kiss right on the lips at the workplace.
    I disagree. I do not think it would be inappropriate for your spouse to come to work and eat lunch or something and then give you a big kiss. What's wrong with that? Of course you would probably want to think a bit before you did this, but most logical people wouldn't do this in front of a patient.

    I ask you, what purpose does yelling to the world I am gay serve???? Nothing!! I'm not sure about you but I go to work to work. I could care less what others think of me personally as long as at the end of the day they respect me for my work I've done that day. I figure if I have time to yell to the world that I'm a heterosexual then I have some major time management problems. You'all need to find some work to do and stop complaining like a little girl.

    Whether a person is gay has nothing to do with sexual harrassment. Telling someone your gay might temporarily patch the wheel but the tire will still go flat. The offenders might leave this individual alone because he yells he's gay but the offenders will not stop there behavior. It is wrong!! It needs to be dealt with immediately.

    I suppose the thread starter can tell everyone at work that he's gay if he thinks that is the best thing to do but I don't think his motivation for doing this should be to stop the sexual harassment. NOW GET TO WORK AND TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOUR PATIENTS!!

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Re: gay male nurse coming out at work

    Quote Originally Posted by MagRedC5 View Post
    IMHO, it would be very inappropriate for his partner to give him a giant kiss right on the lips at the workplace.

    Yes, maybe you are missing the point by the OP. The point, as I understand, was if nurse47557 should make it known at his workplace he is a homosexual in order to stop the sexual harassment by his female nursing peers. I see nothing wrong with him gathering input from us to help him make his decision.

    However, my suggestion would be for him to talk to his supervisor before making some announcement over the PA system about his sexual orientation. I do agree with you that a good nurse is a good nurse, no matter race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Yet, ignorant folks can breed contempt. Therefore, this is a very important decision since once the closet is open... no going back to shut the door.
    Why would you make an opening statement like that? "It would be very inappropriate for his partner to give him a giant kiss right on the lips at the work place".

    It is obvious that you have the homophobic "Don't Ask Don't Tell" mentality of the Army branded in your skull...however the rest of us civilians (and we out number you) don't play by the rules of your little club.

    Sorry, but I feel that was a very inappropriate remark on your behalf and off subject. The subject was about coming out if he should come out to his coworkers to avoid sexual harassment...not gay or straight sex or public signs of affection. And just tell us GI Joe, what would make his boyfriend kissing him at work anymore inappropriate than your wife kissing you at work? I have worked many places and have seen many people kiss at work before. I don't think there are any laws against who can kiss who...and I bet top dollar your wife has laid one on you in public or at work before. Your remark was way off base, uncalled for and had no place here.

    Sorry for the flame folks. He hit a nerve. The Male Nurse Forum is not about judging people, it is about helping people. Further as a former HR Representative for a large corporation I stand my original posting and advise.

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