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Thread: R Careplans in LTC an exercise in futility?

  1. #1

    R Careplans in LTC an exercise in futility?

    Yes care plans are mandated by our nurse practice act. But how many of you in LTC ever read one? Do U really need them in order to perform your nursing functions? Does the amount of time and money spent paying an RN to write one really result in better pt. care?

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Re: R Careplans in LTC an exercise in futility?

    Honestly, I don't think anyone ever takes the time to read them. I have to see I oversee the LPN's that do our MDS's and care plans. They are done and placed in the pts charts and there they be until we do another one. I would like to be able to post them where everyone could have access to them and somehow make them read them and use them. They can have alot of useful information in them if they are done appropriately.

  3. #3

    Re: R Careplans in LTC an exercise in futility?

    I agree that peeps could benefit from the info. in some care plans. Lets face it. When we have 30 pts. on upward to take care of, and the CNA's have their load. Like does anyone have time to read all of their pts. care plans and apply them? I think not. My point is if no one uses them why do we have to spend our precious time writing them? Couldnt a book that made reference to a standard of care suffice? When it gets to the point that someone has to pull a pre printed care plan out, fill in the blanks and place it in a chart you know that there is something wrong.Its like such a waste of time.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2005

    Re: R Careplans in LTC an exercise in futility?

    I have best used care plans as communication tools for the entire interdisciplinary team. The more individualized problem identification and the corresponding interventions are the better care the resident receives. Ex: Grandma Moses likes to pull her clothes off in public places, then tries to scratch and bite anyone who attempts to help preserve her dignity. If I had never worked with the resident before, I would turn to her care plan for specific non-drug approaches that have been documented as effective. It's a good habit, and reduces the 'warehousing effect.'

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