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Thread: self=injurers

  1. #11

    Re: self=injurers

    Of course we all have opinions... So here's mine:

    I truly feel bad for this patient, and for the nurses who are charged with her care, but it is an unfortunate reality that we are faced with in this profession... as far as staffing goes, you can't sqeeze blood from a turnip, so we are forced to do what we can with little or no resources. I'm not saying we should just lie down and take a beating. We should absolutely continue to shout at the top of our lungs, and push for healthcare reform... something has got to be done.

    On the other hand, there are just so many beds to go around, therefore many patients are released from hospitals AND mental institutions before they are medically or mentally ready, thus leading to the fact that many mentally challenged or even disturbed patients wind up among the ranks of the homeless with little or no follow up care.

    It is truly a sad state of affairs. All I can say is that I hope she will get the best care that you are humanly able to provide while she is in your hands, and when she leaves you, she will be in Gods.

    Keep up the good work, and don't let the system beat you down.

    "No pain is greater than the knowledge that no one cares or understands."

  2. #12

    Re: self=injurers

    well, i dont do psych, and this is only one classic example of why!!!

    even though you may be trying to get away from restraints, you didnt say they were being eliminated all together...

    restrain her... for her own safety...

    it would be easier to check on her every fifteen minutes and do a circ check than to check on her every 15 minutes and clean up her mess with a blood spill kit...

    and i seriously question the "borderline" part of her diagnosis!!!

    i thank God i'm not a psych nurse... i couldn't do it!!! if i wanted to work in a cracker factory, i'd be at Keebler's by now!!!

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