I know that it is a growing fancy that States are now going into having
" Medication Aids" I know that currently the States of :Virginia, Ohio,
Maryland, Montana, Texas and New Hampshire have them.... ( In fact the
training in New Hamphire is 30 hours of Class and 30 hours of Clinical....
Point blank this scares me. Yes anyone can pass a pill, but still you have
the 5 rights to consider... And often meds have names that sound the same.
the Pharmacy could made a error and send the wrong one.... Nurse not only
have to know the name of the meds but why are they being given....
example if the Pharmacy sent a BP medication with a name similiar to another
medication the nurse is alert enough to question, why is this " X" med here
for the patient then he has Low Blood Preasure and would go and check the
orders and investigate..... meanwhile the Medication will just give the meds
because they are there.

And at the same time LPN's who have years of experience are not allowed to
be Grandfather in RN's and they are basically allowing Nursing Assistants to do the work of LPN's and RN's