I'm completing research for my thesis and would greatly appreciate feedback on nursing salaries. I'm specifically looking at the salaries paid to full-time nurses versus agency nurses. Additionally, if any of you have knowledge as to how much your hospital is paying it's agency, I would appreciate that as well. My thesis is on the premise that hospitals would be better off if they paid their RNs more than an agency nurse makes, but in the end would pay less than what they pay the agency.

If you'd like to respond, I would like to know:
- Age?
- Experience (# yrs as an RN)
- City / State
- Salary (prefer hourly wage as full time equivalent) (ie, $32/hr)
- Benefits: just need, Full, Partial, None (for type of benefits)
- Specialty (if you are working in a specialty area that might affect pay)
- Shift / Pool: put shift # if you only work a specific shift, if rotation then put Pool
- FTE / Agency; put if you are a full-time or agency nurse.

Thanks so much for your assistance. You can reply here, or to me directly at FL_Nurse34202@yahoo.com. Thanks again!