Unfortunately this practice is not limited to the US. My first job in the OR after I finished my periop. course was at a mid size hospital. I was so excited. The CV surgeon was difficult, I could never load the needle driver to his satisfaction. The thoracic surgeon was just plain difficult. He mumbled and did alot of sighing(not just with me). One of the RN's that started few weeks prior to me was working with him one day, and he threw an instrument at her. Fortunately for me, I had a car accident on my way to work one day, and it made me see the light that I wasn't happy there. I resigned and returned (with tail between legs) to my former hospital which is a small community hospital, to work on a med/surg. telemetry floor. It took months for me to feel good about myself, and that I was a competent nurse. Fast forward 10 months, and a part time position came up in the OR. One of my friends in the OR told me to apply, she said it will be different. After being there only 3 weeks, I felt so good about my decision. I couldn't believe the difference. Of course there are only 3 general surgeons, one of which can be somewhat difficult, but not to the point of throwing anything. My friend says he gets that way because he feels bad for the patient that they have cancer or whatever. Mostly, there is alot of good natured ribbing about my obsession with Bon Jovi. sorry this has been so long