First of all I'd like to apologise if my english is not 100% accurate since I'm spanish.

Hello, My name is Dani. I'm CRIS' boyfriend. She's spanish too and we are planning to live for some years in Miami zone beacuse of a formation progamme I'm interested in doing.

She's an speciallised nurse (specialisation is made by a progamme designed by the spanish heath ministry and it's more important than any other way of specialisation in spain). I don't know how you call it in english but she is the kind of nurse that attends women when a baby is about to be born and during the ¿pregancy?... Anyway, in spain it's a well considered and payed job and there's a big demand of that kind of nurses. She has also an speciallity in mental health of the same level and reputation, also guided by the spanish health ministry.

We would like to know what's the situation of that kind of nurses in the US. If it's easy and possible to find a job in the US being spanish and what's the average pay for an specialised nurse... Or if a foreign specialization means nothing in the US and she'll have to work as a simple nurse.

Her english level is average and although we'll have to improve we do think that most of the people in Florida can undestand both english and spanish
¿Is that right?

Any comment will be a big help...

Thank you all

Fell free to get in contact by using e-mail if you preefer