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Thread: How do you react when your tech gives you crap?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    How do you react when your tech gives you crap?

    Luckily it doesn't happen in the OR but when it does,
    *&!&&*%$!!!!! This is just one example. This tech does this to every nurse. She is a scrub tech but tries to circulate also!!! She drives me nuts. She is constantly telling me what to do. I try to ignore it but its starting to peeve me off.

  2. #2
    Member Extraordinaire
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: How do you react when your tech gives you crap?

    I just ignore the one that tries to tell me what to do. She's bossy in and out of the OR. She hasn't said much to me after we were in a case (after I'd already had a bad day with many deliveries) and I'm shaving for a section and she leans over and tell me "you need to shave a little further down" well this woman had to be cousin to a monkey so I'd shave part and cleaned that off and going to shave more but the razor wouldn't do it all at once. I looked at the tec over the top of my mask and my eyes said it more when I said "I Know what I'm doing!" through clenched teeth. After the case she asked me what was wrong because I don't normally talk to people in that tone. She still drive me nuts in cases counting from table up to head and she goes from her left to right instead of right to left but I can live with that I guess. She does still try to intimidate the younger staff....worse then OR she assists with vag deliveries and I'll be helping a woman push and I don't yell at them it does no good but she comes banging in the door at the top of her lungs yelling PUSH me mad and can't tell her about that it doesn't work.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    New Jersey

    Re: How do you react when your tech gives you crap?

    If it becomes a chronic problem, I speak to them first, tell them I don't appreciate the attitude. If it becomes a chronic condition I start reporting to supervisors and writing people up.

    I don't like to go that route because it creates a lot of hard feelings, but I'm not going to sit on my hands and do nothing either.

    Andrew Lopez, RN

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