I am thrilled to see pbds study guides/answers profile go online. Thanks for your efforts!

From previous posts on this websie, one can see I do not believe in the concept of pbds testing. I graduated from a university program, 75 questions on boards, but, as nurses, we are not licensed to diagnose.

I am disappointed in hospital administrators who are pursuaded to allocate/budget money for this useless enterprise. Personally, I refuse to even look at an assignment where pbds is required. I have personally seen the exam used as an immediate hiring/firing tool in the classroom where I took the exam. Too, I have gotten into the interview process only to learn from the Unit Manager that the pbds is required during hospital orientation. During that interview, the UM literally hang up on me when I told her that I refuse to take the exam and, furthermore, do not believe in this testing format.

Due to the exaspiration continuously read from online replies concerning the exam, I would only remind you to say: "I refuse to take the exam."