hello all,

My primary experience (read just out of school) was in an urban ER, level II trauma center. Routinely we would relieve patients and visitors of firearms and edged weapons. The administration seemed to be completely oblivious to the danger to staff and patients. Of 80 nurses, all but a few found new jobs in safer environments. Currently if there is no metal detector and no ARMED security I will not work for a hospital. Psych patients, career alcholics, and others whose medical condition would render thier ability to maintain control useless all subject us to unwarranted attention. As soon as the "ambulance chaser" attorneys key in on this situation it will become worse. Personally I am afraid for my license. I come to work for the 10-15% that actually need help, it is what make my job worthwhile.

I have heard.... could be rumor, that it is a felony for assaulting a health care provider in an emergent situation. Is this true or false?

my 2 cents worth,
