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Thread: LPN to RN

  1. #1

    LPN to RN

    I am a student at a community college trying to get back into the LPN program. I have my interview next Friday. The first time I was in the program I didn't have to go through an interview, they just based it on my test score and let me in. I had to get out cause i was going through a terrible divorce and had a 2 year old daughter to provide for. Well now I am re-married to a wonderful man who says go for my dreams. I have been a CNA since 1998. At my college, we have a thing called LPN to RN. You get to challenge the first year of RN courses which leave you with a year left. Maybe you guys should see if there is anything like that at community colleges in your state. Thats what I am going to do after I am an LPN for a year. We can take all the RN pre-requistes and in LPN school we don't have to take the classes, like we can take Human growth and dev. and we don't have to take the one in LPN school, we can take Principles of Nutrition and we don't have to take basic nutrition, we can take A and P 1 and 2 and we don't have to take BSF. We can take intermediate algebra and we don't have to take Technical Math. So, it all works out. I already have all my pre-requistes out of the way for RN. I would have to wait for there is a waiting list to get into the program here. I may be able to start LPN in Jan if i pass my interview next friday.
    Just wanted to let you know about the fast track from LPN to RN here at my school.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    New Jersey

    Re: LPN to RN

    It's so much easier if you can take care of an LPN/RN as part of a single program. I know too many nurses that have gone for an LPN, intending to go back later for an RN (or RN intending to go for an MSN), and then life gets in the way.

    If you can do them both, more power to you

    Andrew Lopez, RN

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Re: LPN to RN

    I am in the process of getting my ADN or BSN from the LVN standpoint. I have been a nurse for 3 years, and it's hard to go back. So congrats on going ahead and getting it all over with now, instead of waiting so long. It will be worth it when oyur done.

    Cristy Renfro, LVN

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