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Thread: LPN first or go for RN?

  1. #11
    Member Extraordinaire
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    Feb 2004

    Re: LPN first or go for RN?

    I don't look down on the LPN's I work with I've said before I learned lots from them when I first started and I still do. There are some LPN's I'd rather have take care of me then some of the ding dong RN's but it goes both ways. Wish we could just put all the ding dongs together no matter what the letters were after the name.

  2. #12
    Junior Member
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    Re: LPN first or go for RN?

    RN only that is the way to more money and job satisfaction

  3. #13

    Re: LPN first or go for RN?

    I have seen people go to LPN school first with big plans to go back to school and they never do. So if you want more money and more responsibility Go RN.

  4. #14
    Member Extraordinaire
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    Re: LPN first or go for RN?

    here's a good one: one of my good friends a CST has decied she wants to be a RN. She contacted the local college to find out what she needs to do they tell her she has to retake the same A&P and Micro classes she had to take for tech school that she got A's in because she wasn't in the school of nursing when she took them...sounds like a crock from the school to get money told her to look to other schools because now she says she's not going to do it..they also say she has to take the SAT..she's 46 years old.

  5. #15

    Re: LPN first or go for RN?

    I had to do that. I took A&P and chem 101,110,200 at the university of Hawaii. The kicker is, I did not take the lab. Came here to Arkansas, had to take the classes over with a lab. It's funny I failed all my quizzes in chemistry because I slept in class.(I worked nights) Took the main tests and got 95's-100% because I would spend 2 days reviewing the material. What a WASTE of my time.

  6. #16
    Junior Member
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    Re: LPN first or go for RN?

    As an LPN your options are closed off somewhat you never get the respect you deserve... & in my experience most LPN's at times can run circles around some RN's. There are jobs in hospitals they aren't always in the newspaper though & NOT as prevelvent. You must take the initiative & apply anywhere & everywhere. I've been an LPN for 12+ years(in a hospital on a cardiovascular/ med/surg floor) & am attempting to get my RN presently in an independent study program NOT a comtemporary classroom setting. It is hard to find the time to balance husband, kids, dogs, & FT job~ but hopefully it will come together.

  7. #17

    LPN to RN programs

    I am starting school next week to get my Algebra and Chemistry classes THEN do the ACCESS fast track in the summer for my RN. I am so impatient with all of this. Also I am scared to death to take the Algebra and Chemistry. I don't remember how to do any of it. Being 33 yrs. old and going back is so hard for me. I should have just got my RN from the get go. Anyone thinking of their LPN first don't do it. Cheryl

  8. #18
    Junior Member
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    Re: LPN first or go for RN?

    I have been a LPN for 23 years now. In the past 5 years I have worked two on the ambulance and three in the ER, where I am now. The RN's I work with show me great respect and have been very supportive with me going back to school. I feel very blessed.
    With the way things are today, if you are going into nursing go for your RN. No matter if you are a RN or LPN you have to be a new nurse one way or the other. Eliminate the frustration and GO FOR IT. GOOD LUCK. It will be worth it.
    Debra LPN

  9. #19

    Re: LPN first or go for RN?

    I think that it depends on the person if they want to go LPN or RN first. It seems the most logical for a person who enjoys the medical field, yet has little experience in it to maybe get the LPN first. This way they can save a little money and start in the field within a year. If they like it, they can go on to the RN. As for me, I haven't started school yet, but I plan on getting my LPN first, working in the field on the night shift, and maybe going to get my RN. Working the night shift might make it a little easier to go to RN from an LPN. It's all up to the person. Anything is possible, just have to figure out the solution.

  10. #20
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2005

    Re: LPN first or go for RN?

    I just have to say that in my area, there isnt even anywhere that offers LPN classes that i can find. Im more then happy to just spend the two years at the community college to get my RN though.

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