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Thread: How institutional is your LTC facility?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    How institutional is your LTC facility?

    Recently the DON at the nursing home I work in has told staff that they are only to call residents by there first name or use "sir or madame" that carrying on with the residents is no longer acceptable and staff should report any of these violations if they see them.
    The first name thing is not a big deal...we all learn in school not to use dear, sweetie, doll ect...but there are many of our elderly who enjoy joking around with the staff and none of this will make sense to them they may feel hurt that staff don't want to carry on. I've not seen any staff offending a resident or joking around with someone who's serious and wouldn't like it. Isn't this suppose to be their home? Is this common place in other LTC facilities?

  2. #2

    Re: How institutional is your LTC facility?

    It seems to me that there had to be a complaint voiced about this,in my facilty , we usually address the residents by Mr., Mrs. or Ms, and their last name. I would not feel comfortable with addressing some of them by their first name. Call it old fashioned, but the way I was raised, you always addresed your elders in this fashion. Also, as long as the joking is not inapproiate, I don't see the problem with that. Yes, that is their home, but to some we are their extended family and often develope more then just a nurse to resident relationship. After all, Iwould love to believe that LTC nurses work there because are truely compassionate about the quailty of life for the residents. I am a resident advocate and try to make all the difference that I can and usually that is with a smile, joke, hug and a prayer for them.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2005

    Re: How institutional is your LTC facility?

    What is the resident's preference? What is the family's preference? Are the redient's/family's preferences care planned? I think it's possible to meet the individual needs and make the state department of health happy at the same time.

  4. #4

    Re: How institutional is your LTC facility?

    People should call the Residents what ever the residents prefer. It is always a good policy to ask a Resident how they prefer to be addressed. Did your DON ever hear of OBRA?

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2004

    Re: How institutional is your LTC facility?

    Thanks for all the great feed-back.

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