Quote Originally Posted by TomB View Post
20 something years ago I worked at a hospital as a "Student Nurse Extern" (or SNE) while I was in clinials in school. Once we finished (graduated) nursing school we were called GN's for Graduate Nurses. At least in a hospital setting it would be a BIG deal if a GN had RN on his/her nametag. Plus GNs could do a lot more than SNEs.

But, this is just a discussion board, but I do believe it's very important to distinguish between students, nurses and visitors. Not sure how you would go about inforcing that, though.

I did read a post by you the other day AprilRN, which said something like I'll be graduating nursing school soon. It kind of bothered me. Nothing personal, I like reading your posts, but I always thought you were an RN. It felt like a deception or something.

PS: Don't feel bad AprilRN, it was not my intent. :-)
I didn't take offense..BUT..I did put RN...pending boards. Which is what I am. I just figured it would save the question when I talked about studying for boards...asking if I'm going to be LPN or RN. And...when I signed up for this board...was already done with school...just waiting for the graduation ceremony.