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Thread: Holistic Nursing

  1. #11
    Super Moderator cougarnurse's Avatar
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    Re: Holistic Nursing

    No problem, Fil! I am sure we will have a few good discussions on treating the 'whole' patient.

    I know there are a few more links out there I need to download....

  2. #12
    Junior Member
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    May 2007

    Re: Holistic Nursing

    I graduated nursing school in 1967. Back then most of what we did could be considered Holistic as we all were "bedside nurses." We saw the patient as a whole and cared for them as a whole. Their pain became our pain and their joy's became our joy's. This made me a great nurse for as I related to their suffering so was I able to meet their needs and help them reach a level of wellness that medications alone could not do.

    I have never changed my approach nor my beleifs. I left hospital nursing and persued herbal medicine and nutrition independantly and as a Home Care nurse taught my patients the proper care and functioning of their bodies and what wellness is all about.

    This is definately the way of the future. We are the Baby Boomer generation and none of us wants to end up in this system of health care as our parents have....Quantity without Quality.

    My choice is to live life to it's fullest and that can only be accomplished with health. I teach my patients a Better Way... the way to good health.

  3. #13
    Junior Member
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    Re: Holistic Nursing

    P.S. ..... alway's remember to take care of yourself. Nursing can be very draining since we give physically, mentally and emmotionally then have our own issues to deal with. You have to know how to love yourself before you can love and care for someone else.

    Conveying wellness means we need to learn what wellness is and how to accomplish it for ourselves.

    I will never regret my nursing studies and medical studies. It has provided for me a firm foundation upon which to build and grow and help myself as well as my fellow man. Tap into the resources the internet has provided for free and allow your common sense and gut instincts to guide. We only learn by doing and asking.
    Holistic nurses are the best nurses... we touch the heart and the mind where healing actually takes place. I love it.

  4. #14
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2007

    Re: Holistic Nursing

    Thanks for you posts Healthy RN. I do agree that we must take care of ourselves. It's easy for nurses to get burned out because they fail to do this. What forms of holistic nursing do you practice? (I.E. touch therapy, mediatation, acupuncture...)

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