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Thread: RN to Medical School?

  1. #11
    Member Extraordinaire
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    Re: RN to Medical School?

    I also will not accept responsibility beyond my scope of practice and if you feel that is what is required of you, you should speak up. But what you described sounds pretty typical of Labor Nurse scope.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I wasn't saying I was doing anything out of my scope just what I do as a nurse. I think the original post was I want to be a doctor so I'll become a nurse first to become a doctor. When I said in another post become a RN and find out who does the work as I got the reply what do you mean who does the to make a long story short I was saying in the L&D dept (as in others) the nurses do the work see the pts first hand and call the MD when needed and often it's a nurse who "suggests" to the MD what to do. Same answer I've given my father and husband when they've said why don't/didn't you go to medical school you're smart enough...because I like nursing it's different then MD and do you mean I'm too smart to be a nurse???? insults from everyone is all I get

  2. #12
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    Re: RN to Medical School?

    Hey my name is Amber Carroll and I'm also a 20 year old from florida. You sound just like me. I am currently in LPN school and will transfer into the RN program. Like you, my goal is to become a surgeon. I'm pretty sure that you have to have a BS or BA to even get into Med School. Good luck!

  3. #13

    Re: RN to Medical School?

    Hi Amber Carroll, what LPN School are you in? Did you have a tough time with the pre-entrance requirements? I applied to the Charlotte Tech Center with high scores, but I'm also applying to Palm Beach Community College as well. Right now I am having a tough time finding material for the TEAS test they require. Just wondering if you have any insight or any schools in that area you might know of. Thanks much

  4. #14
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    Re: RN to Medical School?

    I go to Galen Health Institute in St. Petersburg, Florida. The only pre-entrance requirements were an ACT score above 17 and SAT scores above 800 (if I remember correctly), or if you havn't taken them in the past 5 years you have to take their placement exam. They start new students every 3 months. As of right now the wait is 3-6 months, but it is so worth it! Galen Health is all about the clinical experience (you start clinicals in the 3rd week, compared to other LPN programs that start clinicals in the 3rd month). Here is Galen's website: check it out!

  5. #15
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2005

    Re: RN to Medical School?

    Actually, it's not difficult to do:

    That site is very useful and provides a large amount of information on becoming a doctor.

    Good luck with your future endeavors.

    RN Student

  6. #16
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2006

    Re: RN to Medical School?

    I was in an alternate entry MSN program at UT Austin. I completed the pre-licensure phase and have my license. I also have an MSW in administration from Texas State University in San Marcos. I was in the public health nursing track in the MSN program and quickly learned that it is the same thing I did in my MSW program. So, now I am an RN and I'm going to finish the BSN this May and I'm thinking about going to medical school. It is something I've wanted to do since I was eight years old. I don't know if I will make it or not, but I have to try because it is something I've always wanted to do but never thought I could. For lots of reasons I have much more confidence now and feel more prepared. I like nursing but I want to do more. I have thought about becoming an NP but I like and want the independence offered by being a physician. Nursing school was not hard. The only really challenging course was pathophysiology. I learned a lot!! OK, that's my situation. Any comments??

    Charles Burt, RN

  7. #17

    Unhappy Re: RN to Medical School?

    getting a nursing degree will get you into the health care field in 4 years or earlier.. but dont think that it is just a breeze. it requires a lot of knowledge, and passion to become a nurse.. now a day anyways isnurance companies are preffering nurse practitioner over doctors.. pts a prefering nurses over doctors for their care.. it is almost an insult to use this profession to step into something else.. because a lot of people go into this profession because of the passion, love and compassion it takes to do this job..

    like most people said.. medicine is a different field from nursing.. different route of taking care of pts.. if you truely do choose to go on to become a doctor then going into nursing first WILL make you a better doctor and more compassionate because you will learn how to treat the pt not just the disease.. and by going straight through med school you wouldnt learn that type of care..

  8. #18
    Junior Member
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    Re: RN to Medical School?

    At your age, I would consider the military (either active or guard) as they have a number of programs for financial assistance/tuition assistance.

  9. #19

    Re: RN to Medical School?

    I want to be a surgeon also and I am 30 years old and would like to be a surgeon before I am 40 or at least in Residency. Do you think that a BA in nursing is the way to go or a BA in Science? I really need some answers. I feeel like and idiot, not knowing how to get to what I want. I am a mother of 3. I know it is going to be hard and very stressful. I have applied at a local college under Nursing, but wanted to find out the fastest way to get into Medical School. Can some please help who has been in college for a while and may have the answer to my question?

  10. #20
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2006

    Re: RN to Medical School?

    I just want to give my support to everyone applying to medical school through nursing. It makes so much sense in more ways than one. 1. there is always the possibility of actually not getting into the med school of your choice, so you always have something to fall back on thats the same field. 2. through nursing you learn MANY things you dont learn through pre-med or even medical school. With Nursing under your belt you will have the knowledge and the know-how of treating the patient emotionally, mentally and physically, connecting with the patient on a personal level, and you will have a basis of client centred care. I am currently enrolled in a BScN program...after I graduate, my plan is to apply to medical school, and various master level programs for the just-in-case I dont get into the medical school of my choice. Its really hard to do what you have always wanted to do and be realistic/practical. Going through Nursing is a mixture of both. Work hard, have fun, make friends and good luck with everything.

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