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Thread: Another newbie...(with a rant)...

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Another newbie...(with a rant)...

    ...and it's me. Just thought I'd drop in and say hello. I'm an Indiana University nursing student in Indianapolis and started classes yesterday. I plan on going to graduate school, as well.

    Nice to know that there is a forum for men in the nursing profession. I can't stand the gender bias that exists today. Example: We watched a film on the history of nursing (from Florence Nightengale to present ) and, after the film, the prof. asked what we thought of it. One lady said, "I like what was said in the film. It shows that nursing is WOMEN'S work!" Luckily, only a few people saw me flash the finger in her general direction. But I mean...what the f*ck, man?! Of course women can do the work. But it's not "WOMEN'S" work!

    I'm a humanist through and through. I'm pro women's right, civil rights, gay rights, etc, etc, etc. But it seems like some women haven't got off of their uber-feminist soapbox and feel the need to be sexist. Talk about taking it too far! People call men sexist...

    Ok, I'm done.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2005

    Re: Another newbie...(with a rant)...

    Sounds familiar. When I was in school, it was the same pathetic turn-of-the-century story. I'm not saying female sexism exacerbated to astronomical limits, but there definitely was a "gender gap". One time a female in our class commented, "You see more females in nursing because they're more sensitive", to paraphrase. I'm sitting there along with 7 other guys thinking, "Did you just publicly say that?!" I have no regrets though, and am very glad I'm a nurse.

    I don't understand how nursing is strictly "women's work", as if a male is completely incapable of performing the job. Garbage like that is very disheartening, and female nurses (anybody for that matter) who carry those ideas suck. When I see a policewoman, I don't say, "Hey look at the lesbian policeman."

    Finally, someone had previously mentioned in another post if society can't look past the female connotations attached to the word NURSE, maybe it's time for a title change. I'd have no problem with that, and women would forever be able to keep there "girls club" title-NURSE. So much for equal rights and equal elementary school!

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2005

    Re: Another newbie...(with a rant)...

    this forum name "male nurse" should be changed to "men in nursing". I know ther are psych nurses, pedi nurses, med nurses. etc... but is there a certification for "male nurse"?

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2005

    Re: Another newbie...(with a rant)...

    I agree. I don't walk around referring to my professors as "female nurses". There's no need for the separate distinction.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    New Jersey

    Re: Another newbie...(with a rant)...

    It's mostly women getting revenge for not being allowed into "male dominated" fields for the longest time.

    Many viewed nursing, like childcare, as "women's work."

    It's one of the main reasons nursing was and will be a female dominated profession for a long time to come.

    It's one of the sentiments (male gender bias) you're not alerted to when you apply for nursing school.

    Having said that, it's all in the attitude. You can let it bother you or you can blow them off. What you don't want to do is let it interfere with your daily working relationships. Little good can come from that happening.

    Here's more info on the topic:

    Male Gender Bias - Entrance to No Mans Land by Nurseman
    Are you a male and thinking about entering the world of nursing? Have you ever wondered why they're so few men in nursing? If you are young, single ...

    Gender Bias Against Male Nurses:
    ************************************************** ****

    Andrew Lopez, RN

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