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Thread: New Here

  1. #1

    New Here

    Hi everyone,

    I'm Martina and I'm 18 years old. I am not a nurse, but I am interested in becoming one. I'm from Northern Ireland. I am currenty doing a NVQ in Retail working in a chemist 2 days a week, but I hate it. I have no qualifications since I left school early due to bullying. I'm thinking about next year doing my GCSE's. I am waiting on vetting being completed then hopefully I will start voluntary work at a hospital.

    The interested in Nursing started about a year 1/2 ago. I was born with ROP and due to my left eye being so sick the IOP increased. I was on lots of meds, but nothing brought the pressure down. I had laser treatment then an operation to remove the lens (I was alright blind in this eye from the ROP) But that didn't work. So, I had an Evisceration (removal of the eye's content, but keeping the Sclera) Now I wear a prosthesis. Since then I've been extremely interested in Nursing. However, I did try a NVQ in Care. I was placed in a Nursing home, which unfortunately I hated and left after 1/2 a day. I was disappointed in myself. I loved working with the residents , but the Care Assistants and Nurses were not nice people. I'm more interested in a Hospital setting. I have a great interest in Ophthalmology. Unfortunately though my maths is terrible. I'm just not sure which route to go and which branch of Nursing to do if/when I get accepted into a nursing degree/dipolma. Also would my visual impairment stop me from doing Nursing?


  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: New Here

    Sounds like things have been tough for you but you have persevered. Nursing school takes it!. I say go for it. I grew so much in the four years I was in nursing school. I have had great mentors and those not so good. Sometimes, people that have been through an adversity will be an inspiration for others who are troubled with a similar problem. Good Luck!

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