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Thread: jobless/homeless

  1. #11
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Angry Re: jobless/homeless

    My god... :eek::eek:I have had a terrible experience that resembles the ones posted here! Thank GOD I have plenty of money to return home. Calling all travel nurses out there: has anyone else had a bad experience with Supplemental Healthcare? I have been out in Colorado since June. This was my first travel experience. A new staff nurse in the hospital where I was working knew she was in trouble for not hanging calcium gluconate on her shift with a pt. that had a critical Ca+ level. A very rude doctor reamed me out for what this nurse had not done on day shift to such a degree that the onlooking nurses in the nurses station wrote him up for his behavior. The next day I got a call from my company stating my contract at the hospital had been cancelled as a result of this doctor falsely claiming I hung the wrong maintenence fluid on a pt. Without investigating the alleged incident further, Supplemental Healthcare terminated me! I have chosen to remain in the extended stay for a bit using my subsidy to pay for it. I have been researching various travel companies and their reputations. Also, I have been reading postings of other nurses to see if anyone has experienced what I have. So far, I have responses from 2 companies who are interested. However, it is very hard to trust companies if they are not even going to investigate complaints against us. This essentialy means that the hospitals can say whatever they want about us and none of us are safe in travel nursing. And, it is so difficult to know you are terminated from the hospital and your company on the basis of false reports and retaliation! Calling ALL travel nurses out there--- share your experiences regarding Supplemental Healthcare. What REALLY is their reputation among the nurses out there in the industry? I have heard many negative things about Aureus from people I have actually met out here on assignment. So, I was not surprised to hear your story. I am sorry for the nurses who have been shafted by Aureus as well as Nurse Alliance because I know how bad I am feeling right now.

    I have heard some quirky things about Supplemental out here in Colorado from other employees. Although, they were always good to me. It was the New York office (my office) I had major issues with---mainly neglect from my recruiter, lack of support, her lack of ability to answer my questions when I needed support, being rushed off the phone. The individual that terminated me raised her voice at me when all I did was ask what the hospital had said about me. She attempted to avoid telling me three times. Once I stated that I did not want my job back, I just thought it was fair to receive feedback regarding what the hospital had said when I was losing my job as a result, she finally had the decency to tell me. (false report that I hung wrong IVF).

    Thank you for your support. Please let me know how you are doing. My God, this is awful! We need to support each other. And yes, these companies need to be reported for what they have done to us! We must stick together. If anyone has any suggestions as to how we are to go about reporting this abuse, and to whom, I am listening. We NEED to do this!!!

    Blind Sided in Colorado

  2. #12
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: jobless/homeless

    OMG...NEVER, EVER, EVER send a company money!!! Oh my goodness, I almost passed out when I read your post! I am new here, sorry, but I was shocked to see that a traveler would even be asked to send money to their company!! They are supposed to pay you...not the other way around! If a company ever asks you to send them money in return for a front, run! Oh my goodness, I still can't get over it!! I hope you have had better luck since then. Always have at least a months salary saved before traveling just in case something happens during and assignment. Travel nursing is very unpredictable at times, unfortunately, and you always have to be prepared. Good luck!

  3. #13
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: jobless/homeless

    hey there, i've been traveling for 15 years, i have worked for alot of agencys trying to find the so called honest right one. its tough. one of my first ones tho did that to me. they cancelled my assignment. i was traumatized. i had no money for i was new to this and . they sent me 50.00 to get home. there needs to be a stipulation in our contracts. that if the facility cancels we still get paid. or a percentage of our contract monies. hey the recruiters get big bucks on us. the ones of us who dont get sign on or completion bonuses. the recruiters do . thats why we dont. as for best companys so far. on assignment healthcare. i'm getting ready for a new company. millenia healthcare. they seem honest so far. but again i'm a cst not a nurse. but have been traveling forever. anurse introduced me to this forum. i've learned alot from it.

  4. #14

    Re: jobless/homeless

    well I am not a new travelr and a very similar experience happened to me. The company has still, after a month refused to pay my return travel expense. The only way I might see that money is if I hire an attorney, still debating if it's worth it. One thing is for sure, after 6 plus years, I will never travel with MSN/Intelistaf again.

    Sorry about your situation. Seems to be a very popular scenario these days.

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