Hey Rob, sorry to hear about your situation. I respect the fact that you said you don't want to see a therapist or what have you. I'm 26, and I graduated from nursing school a few months ago. School took an emotional toll on me too. I'm not trying to discredit your feelings, I'm just saying I can relate. I remember I'd cry for like no reason, and just being really emotional. I was really anxious about grades, I felt like I had to be perfect. And then when I'd get below a 90% on a test i'd freak. BUT me, unlike you from the sounds of it, had peers that I could share my feelings with along with 2 great parents and friends. I had about 7 of the coolest guys in my class that I could talk to. Do you have any friends you can talk to? How about your parents? You can always talk to your instructors, and student counselors. I know you don't want to hear this, but if you're depression is really bad, maybe you should make an appointment with your physician for an evaluation. I'm only throwing out ideas here, and probably no ideas you haven't yourself thought of. If you ever need support, we're here for you.