you've probably heard it before on this forum a million times, i'm a male nursing student and it's official, i am depressed, and have been for a long time. i keep trying to 'wait it out' but it hasn't got better. i don't want to see a therapist, and won't. this is something i need to get over on my own.

i am a 21 yr old male student who is doing very well in the program (3.8 gpa), but: i have no friends really, the girls are very, very shady to me and everyone is in 'cliques' but me i'm very nice to everyone, nothing changes though. there are only 2 guys in my class, one is gay and the other is a dope head like guy. neither i would prefer to hang out with on the weekends (nothing against gays by no means). plus i don't drink or party so that makes it hard for me to fit in really.

the thing that worries me the most is salary. i want to have a family when i'm older, i want to get them nice things and live in a nice place (not a mansion, but you get the point). it's just so embarrasing! EVERYONE mistakes me for a doctor or thinks i should be a doctor, after all, i was valedictorian of my high school. it was so different in high school, i had so many friends and was an athlete and was so happy. sorry to ramble on and on, but i have no desire to do anything, i can't sleep, and i find myself constantely alone with on and off periods of crying. not sure what i'm asking of this forum, but i figured i'd post anyways. thanks for reading.