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Thread: Hesitant

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2005


    I need some advice from anybody that can give it to me. I recently contacted a travel company because they advertised good perks- free health insurance, travel reinbursement, free housing. Also I have a trip coming up that I need to be off for. Well, it seemed like everything is happening so fast. My recruiter is a fast talker- come to find out my health insurance is not free as it is advertised on the website- he said that i must trade in my milage and license reinbursements for it. Also i talked a friend of mine into coming with me, and most companies when travelers offer to share accom. they get a little extra money. My recruiter only offered us a dollar more. Which brings me to another point. My friend had talked to someone else in the same company before my recruiter and he quoted different pay scales from my recruiter (all higher!). And now he's rushing me to sign the contract.Something just don't feel right. Does anyone think I'm being taken advantage of or i'm i just crazy?

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2005

    Re: Hesitant

    This sounds sketchy. Just to be curious, which company is it you're working with? Did you get a referral bonus? Also, I would mention to this recruiter the inequalities that you have noticed between your friends package and the one you have received. I must say the advertisment of free health insurance when it's at a price is borderline unethical. I like to find one or two reputable companies and pick one recruiter at each company who I feel comfortable with.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2005

    Re: Hesitant

    Core Medical Group is the travel company. Yes a referral bonus was included- only when i reminded him. My friend, who was coming on the trip with me didn't even know about milage reinbursement (didn't matter anyway if it was gonna be sucked up by the insurance). Anyway, i talked to him today and told him that i might not be able to do the contract because my sister is sick and i have her child. Well, i can't tell u how suprised i was when he did a total 360 on me. Immediately he asked me did I have another offer. Again i tell him my sister is sick. Then he goes on to tell me that I have to have a legitimate reason and to produce a note from her doctor! Mind u I have not signed a contract with these people. Then he says it's an ethical issue and we had a verbal contract and was i lying about being intersted. I simply told him that things happen. Then he threaten to blackball me from the hospital and all the hospital under the association. Then he did another turn around and said he really want to help me would it help if i did per diem work at the hospital because it's not that far away. I questioned him on his accuracy- the hospital is 10hrs and 55mins away! He was suggesting working 6 days and be off 8. That's not very lucrative for me if they are not reimbursing for milage. But you know the funny thing about the whole thing is that my friend that was supposed to be traveling with me got a call from a "Richard" of the nurses association. He wanted to know since sc had a shortage of nurses, was she gonna come if i didn't. She told him she had to talk to me first. Then he proceed to tell her if she was gonna come to call our recruiter and let him know. Yall wanna know another funny thing unless "Richard" belonged to the ANA he definitely wasn't employed at the SCNA because i called, and why didnt he call me? This whole situation has left a bad taste in my mouth and everone is advising me to cut the dead weight.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2005

    Re: Hesitant

    I would be totally outraged. Where does this individual get off treating you like this? This is highly unethical and he should be aware that your word of mouth can go a whole lot further in damaging his credibility than his yours. This forum is a good case in point. I ran into a recruiter last year who did not keep up his end of the bargain during one of my assignments. When I called him on it, he too threatened me. I asked to speak with his manager and his tone quickly shifted. Too often these folks are about driving revenue, they lose sight of theie ethics and values.
    I would end that relationship.

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