Hi again
I actually have said it before I think but this Room caught my eye and I had to add my log to the campfire-esque energy that flows through this community. I actually started and still run a popular Morgan Horse Community and Chatgroup so I know a couple 'a' things about how they work and the dynamics etc - UltimateNurse has a lot to be acknowlegded for creating and providing for any nurse smart enough and open enough to join the collective here. It is a benefit to align yourself with either like or people already where you are reaching for as it will drag you higher if you embrace and nurture the mentoring philosofies and make yourself grow and evolve - there are lots of examples of what I consider, good people - good nurses - good energy here everywhere you look or read.
I appreciate that. I love the design and layout and I distinctly feel familiar and at a place I can always learn something that makes my job better for me and my candidates and clients. My impression is there is many recruiters who hub their efforts for the nurses here. I bet they know or sense like I do that many of the nurses who are here are actually a dynamic collection of willing and able, Jet Set Nurses who make Travel a way of Nursing Life. That's been my impression anyways - and the other great population it seems are the Nurse Recruiters - everyone through the practical and respectful innovation of a Recruiter free for all room of NurseRecruiterymania can see any superbusy Recruiter Member to really do what the clients expect when they place job orders or Project Executions and Ramp Ups - they certainly expect the Recruiter gets the word out on their behalf to the people. When we can share what the industry needs of it's membership like Clients Job Openings/HR & ER (Disasters justthesame in their shoes) being distribted freely to the rigght audiences to reach the one or ones in Healthcare - who will come aboard adn make their Hospital better tomorow. By being the only site I know where as a result of a common sense - professioanlly courteous addition of our own space here - i also see the only healthcare site that has a type of real depth in almost every kind of posting you can read in diverse topics. It is actually a dynamic networking that I am sure is very very successful for the members who really get under their partner from the opposite side of our community - they opportunities I see from every recruiter post is top notch adn well presented accurately with care - the nurses are creditted for calibre as one meets others kinda randomly with interest as you connect through stories of what it is like today to be a Travel Specialist with instant reliable connection with professional. go getting and definately respectful Nurse Recruiters. When I said sorry for posting jobs awhile back in wrong forum I meant just that - the culture here and the care used to make and keep its quality is a connection I respect enogh just to learn more and do my thing here the right way here happily.
Nurse Recruitment is loaded with many examples of shady behavior and mostly on the Recruiter side in my opinion. There is just too much money and money motivated people who "sell themselves" which inspires the Shady's to meet and manipulate the sellers etc - there is just too much temptation in the mix not to have problems and problem behaviors and people as a result. But there is something differnent than that here. There is a caring yet dynamic energy instead more than anywhere I evisit online!

Depevoneppi but I mean it. There is enough NursePower to define the Site's intended audience of Travel Nurse as an industry. This is a very close realtime ezxample of what I think will be in the future a new Staffing Service Model which is almost completely online and automated. All the elements you need actually are already in place here to fill travel nurse orders efficiently outside of the everpresent need for services to have an inflow of candidates looking and ready to work. I say that because if all Nurse Sites I belong to - almost nobody who we work with traces back to here though i have proportionately placed more job posts here than anywhere else. Therefore we need more people than job posts for everyone be able to eat and survive. Luckily I have numerous channels worldwide established which look after our many clients and orders we constantly fill with great Healthcare People.

And the Moderator Aaron I beleive is exceptional and respectable too. I am sure I am not alone in feeling that here either!

Strategic Alliance Healthcare Staffing