my best is a nurse, too, and she went out last weekend to a get-together. she does not do more than very light social drinking in all the years i have known her. she is an IDDM. she said she had about a beer and a 1/2 about 9pm and then about 1-1:30 her blood sugar dropped. when she is with me and her sugar drops, i know she panics, and i do mean the poor thing panics, and she tends to over treat and eat too much candy or drink too much sweet drink, whatever, but with me being a nurse and her husband being a nurse we know how to handle her. anyway, the only thing she said she could think of to say was to get her something sweet to drinik and put sugar in it. so she says she drank about 3-4 glasses of juice, and felt better. she started to drive home, and she started feeling really funny. she called me, and i live 45 min away, and i told her to check her sugar, and she did, it was 45, and i told her to go back in, get some candy. make a long story short, she got pulled on the way home, and they thought she was drunk, and she KNEW she did not drink anything but the beer at 9pm, got pulled at 2:30. they made her do the breathing machine, and it was.,13....this girl is very honest and the officer asked she had drank, and she told him, she did drink 1 1/2 beers around 9 or so that night, but she told me that she told him her sugar was low. she checked it right there in front of him it was up to 150? THEN he made her do the breath thing. she thinks there was alcohol in the juice she was given for her blood sugar. what should she do? she's scared and i am scared for her. what will happen to her RN license? does the BON pull criminal records? does this go on a crinimal record? i didn't know what to tell her. please give me some advise to help me with sandi.