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Thread: Ninni, RN

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Question Ninni, RN

    Hello all: I am a "mature" nurse, who became a nurse 12 years ago, as a "mature" lady. This occurred after I received tx for breast ca. I had always wanted to be a nurse, and when I survived, I decided to go back to school and do it. I specialized in oncology, of course. And, although, I have often received great satisfaction caring for my patients, I am, literally, at my wits end (that's why they call me Ninni) as to HOW to make this nursing career work for me. It seems no matter what I try, there are flies in the ointment. Before I was a nurse, I had owned my own business, and for nearly 20 years I edited and wrote for newspapers and magazines. I have never seen a "business" that is so thwart with revenge as nursing. And, no matter how many ways you try to get around it; just when you think you've found the perfect combination, another way to "control" you pops up. I have been on staff, worked local agencies, and done travel nursing. I left staff positioning in order to gain more control of my life. And, I have been trying travel nursing to earn more money toward my retirement.....the horizon of which is looming closely. The last two travel positions I have had, the mgrs have hired on too many of us, and then had reduced censuses, and then do the darndest things to get rid of the travelers. It is just unbelievable to me.....the dishonesty. Why can't they just say they made a mistake????? In both cases, their own staff members are flying out the door because morale is so low; they hire travelers, then the census drops, and they want to get rid of us. If I want to continue to bedside nurse, I guess I better go back to local agency nursing. You are in and out, different places all the time; and the need is immediate for the units, reducing the likelihood of cancellation. I could consider some office type nursing; or working for the insurance companies, etc., but, I really enjoy the patients. Anybody got any other ideas????? Sincerely, Ninni

  2. #2
    Senior Member Grandma-RN's Avatar
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    Re: Ninni, RN

    Quote Originally Posted by Ninni View Post
    Hello all: I am a "mature" nurse, who became a nurse 12 years ago, as a "mature" lady. This occurred after I received tx for breast ca. I had always wanted to be a nurse, and when I survived, I decided to go back to school and do it. I specialized in oncology, of course. And, although, I have often received great satisfaction caring for my patients, I am, literally, at my wits end (that's why they call me Ninni) as to HOW to make this nursing career work for me. It seems no matter what I try, there are flies in the ointment. Before I was a nurse, I had owned my own business, and for nearly 20 years I edited and wrote for newspapers and magazines. I have never seen a "business" that is so thwart with revenge as nursing. And, no matter how many ways you try to get around it; just when you think you've found the perfect combination, another way to "control" you pops up. I have been on staff, worked local agencies, and done travel nursing. I left staff positioning in order to gain more control of my life. And, I have been trying travel nursing to earn more money toward my retirement.....the horizon of which is looming closely. The last two travel positions I have had, the mgrs have hired on too many of us, and then had reduced censuses, and then do the darndest things to get rid of the travelers. It is just unbelievable to me.....the dishonesty. Why can't they just say they made a mistake????? In both cases, their own staff members are flying out the door because morale is so low; they hire travelers, then the census drops, and they want to get rid of us. If I want to continue to bedside nurse, I guess I better go back to local agency nursing. You are in and out, different places all the time; and the need is immediate for the units, reducing the likelihood of cancellation. I could consider some office type nursing; or working for the insurance companies, etc., but, I really enjoy the patients. Anybody got any other ideas????? Sincerely, Ninni

    To not diminish your posting and feelings, life brings these kinds of situations in any career/setting everyday. Keep this in mind and it eases the pain ever so slightly.

    Why not try some form of business with your nursing career as your base?

    It is alright to get tired, but, never give up."

    Proud Grancama!

  3. #3
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    Question Re: Ninni, RN

    Hi there ER RN: Certainly we all know things like this go on in all areas of business. And, my feelings are not hurt. I am disgusted. I am disgusted that in a field where people are supposed to be empathetic, we see so much of the opposite. It is sad.

    There are many things creating this atmosphere, but, I believe, in particular are three things: dictation of care by insurance parameters; dictation of spending by corporate hospitals; and that nurses, traditionally, are quiet, non-complaining, do not speak up.

    It is time for nurses to stand up for themselves. It is detrimental to the safe care of patients not to do so.

    If one has been a nurse for any length of time, one knows the means that are used to keep nurses in line: the implied threats that exist. If one can say one does not, then one is simply another nurse with head buried in sand.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Grandma-RN's Avatar
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    Re: Ninni, RN

    Quote Originally Posted by Ninni View Post
    Hi there ER RN: Certainly we all know things like this go on in all areas of business. And, my feelings are not hurt. I am disgusted. I am disgusted that in a field where people are supposed to be empathetic, we see so much of the opposite. It is sad.

    Point well taken.

    There are many things creating this atmosphere, but, I believe, in particular are three things: dictation of care by insurance parameters; dictation of spending by corporate hospitals; and that nurses, traditionally, are quiet, non-complaining, do not speak up.

    See, here is where we differ, in general nurses do complain; moreover, what good is complaining when there is no action taken. Who will lead? Since you are disgusted and know of at least 3 things that are the problem, will you set the stage for change?

    It is time for nurses to stand up for themselves. It is detrimental to the safe care of patients not to do so.

    If one has been a nurse for any length of time, one knows the means that are used to keep nurses in line: the implied threats that exist. If one can say one does not, then one is simply another nurse with head buried in sand
    We as individuals wait on others to do something. Since you know the problems, why not start doing somethings about them. It is so easy to throw out whats, whens, whys, and what ifs, who will stand up and get the ball rollling? I do hear what you are saying and in part concur.

    It is alright to get tired, but, never give up."

    Proud Grancama!

  5. #5
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    Re: Ninni, RN

    Actually, I am doing something. Daily, I am an advocate for my patients. It's kind of like the ripples on the water. I do take a stand for them, and I do niggle daily to get their needs taken care of. Also, as I am a former newspaper/magazine editor and writer, and I still edit and write privately, I am collecting material from, not only my own experiences, but from patients and nurses, just like you. I am writing. Also, I consistently report inconsistencies, and safety issues. Sincerely, Ninni

  6. #6
    Super Moderator cougarnurse's Avatar
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    Parked in front of the computer when I am not working
    It's been a while since we have heard from you, Ninni! What's going on?

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