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Thread: Need some advice

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Need some advice

    Hello. (Sorry if this thread has been done before.) I am a recent high school graduate and will be attending a junior college in a couple of weeks. I have a serious interest in the medical field, and my major, as of now, is pre-medicine. I have tossed many medical careers around and am seriously considering nursing. Others include physical therapy, pharmacy, or becoming a physician's assistant. These are all areas that have subject matters that are my strong suit, and things that I know I would like to do. I have little interest in becoming a doctor. Too much school, and too expensive.

    Call me commercial, but the paychecks that each of the careers that I am researching are VERY important to me. I know that that monetary aspect shouldn't be the first item to check, but I need to make sure I am picking a career that can grant me a nice lifestyle. If I am going to make a career out of something I better make decent money at it. Plus, I really don't want that much school. Six years, TOPS! (I know, I'm looking for the perfect job. So isn't everybody.)

    This is why nursing has come to my attention. It seems that I can do what I love to do (help people), and make a good salary. But that is where I start to get a little confused. How much do nurses really make?? Some people have told me that some nurses can't even make ends meet, while others tell me that nurses almost live a very free financial life. Is this because of the difference between the titles, LPN, RN, and BSN? Do the hours and times you work make the paycheck better? Do males nurses usually work in the ER or ICU? Some people have told me that it is the worst mistake of their lives, because of all the animosity between staff members. Is this true? Are the other benefits, like insurance and retirement that are great? I know that these questions are broad and can be subjective, but these are the issues that are making me wonder if nursing is that great for males (family bread-winners).

    Also! The school that I am attending has the RN program, but it is only an associate. There is a huge hospital in the neighboring city that offers the BSN, with little tuition, as long as you work for them for about two years. Does that sound like a good deal, or should I attend a private school for the BSN? Is the BSN even needed? I am a bit of an over achiever so I will probably go for the BSN anyway, even if it offers no further benefits.


  2. #2
    Super Moderator cougarnurse's Avatar
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    Re: Need some advice

    Hi, jogger! I realize this is in the male Nurses Forum, but heck! I'll give it my two cents worth.

    Nursing as a career is wide open, to be honest. There are so many opportunities for us to get into. PA's are a bit more limited, IMHO.

    Seeing as you are in Illinois, many schools require you to be a CNA prior to clinicals, whether you go the LPN, AAS or BSN route. As for what degree you go for first, remember that, if you get your AAS first, you can always go for your BS later on. Heck, like you noted, many places will pay for schooling if you give them some 'time back'.

    As for the pay aspect....depends on where you live, what area you might specialize in, etc.

    Hope this helps some....


  3. #3

    Re: Need some advice

    Hey jogger. I know here that at most places ASN or BSN nurses are paid the same. However, if you want to move up to management or supervisor you'll need a BSN or a bachelor degree in a related field. In terms of mid-level providers PA's cannot open their own practice (at least here) where as NP's can. Also there many different types of NP's someone can specialize in. Best of luck.

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