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Thread: How to handle discrimination on the job!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    How to handle discrimination on the job!

    I am an African-American nurse one of only 4 at my job. When I first hired the number was a lot more. However, due to normal turn over a few left. We have had in the past 18months about 10 new nurses only one of which is an african-american and she is the wife of a new doctor on staff. I know for fact that at least 6 nurses that i have encouraged to apply have never had call backs, wheres at least 3 of the new hires are less qualified with considerably less experience and through their admission were hired on the spot, before any references or skills were verified. I am completely horrified by this. Even though i have never encountered any incidents personally and have always been treated fairly I am still hurt and feel completely demoralized and discriminated against. One situation is especially disturbing. A new assist employed by the hospital for 15 years completed her lpn studies and applied for a job. She was offered $10.30/hr, only $1 difference in her pay. So naturally she turned it down and sought employment elsewhere, a couple of months later a newly graduated nurse on staff left her check stub on the nurses desk and i had to look. She was being paid $11.50! She graduated the same time as the former employee who is african-american. I know that this is discrimination but I donot know the proper channels to go through to handle these situations, can someone please help me!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Grandma-RN's Avatar
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    Re: How to handle discrimination on the job!

    It is hard to prove and moreover win these kinds of assumptions.

    I know someone personally who told me that they, Black, was been paid less than the White,ASN, nurse and they both work through the same agency and the Black nurse has several more years experience as a nurse with a MSN. The White nurse told the Black nurse how much she makes.

    It still is suggested that males in general get paid more than females, too.

    It is alright to get tired, but, never give up."

    Proud Grancama!

  3. #3
    Member Extraordinaire Aaron C.'s Avatar
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    Re: How to handle discrimination on the job!

    Tough call really. I mean, if you can't come up with rock solid proof of the allegations, no matter how true they are, you don't really have any leverage.

    I would start documenting everything you know and have the people involved write a signed and dated statement for you.

    Go back to the people from the past you are referring to and start there. Then, from now on any time you feel something has happened, document it and include any witnesses.

    When you feel comfortable with what you've got, go to the very top and let them know what you believe is happening and let them know that you are documenting everything and encourage them to facilitate a change. Don't be threatening to them in any way because that will probably just make things worse. Make sure you document the conversation as well. I might even go as far as to take a mini recorder in with you (don't let them know of course).

    If things don't change, go to the media: newspapers, internet, television, etc. and contact your local government representatives, and leaders, as well as the naacp and other related organizations.

    Also, at some point you might want to search out an african american nurse who you know is more than qualified for an open position at the hospital and ask them to apply just to see if they are offered an interview and or the job.

  4. #4
    Moderator SoldierNurse's Avatar
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    Re: How to handle discrimination on the job!

    "Also, at some point you might want to search out an african american nurse who you know is more than qualified for an open position at the hospital and ask them to apply just to see if they are offered an interview and or the job." Aaron, that is a great idea.
    Cary James Barrett, RN, BSN

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