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Thread: undecided....need help!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    undecided....need help!

    I am a RN of 4 yrs. I would like to relocate from IN to a better climate due to my MS. My husband would like to check out Arizona. I have never applied with a travel agency and noticed there are alot of job opportunities posted willing to pay relocation fees. I have worked in Acute care in hosp and Long-term care and also have been a CNA clinical instructor. Are there any nurses out there with MS that have any suggestions as to what areas may be less stressful and better climate for me? I was advised by my neurologist to give up nursing but obtaining my RN license at the age of 40,going thru a divorce,living out of my car, I worked too hard to get it to give it up! I was dx the same month as I discouraging I assure you, but I am strong and very determined. I would like all suggestions from all nurses. They would all be welcomed! Thx.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    New Jersey

    Re: undecided....need help!

    If you're looking for a less stressful environment, I would definitely NOT recommend doing travel nursing assignments.

    You're expected to hit the floor running with a minimum of orientation and handle a full load. Staff nurses tend to be biased and resentful.

    If you're looking to move anyway, and just want help with the relocation expenses, going through a travel agency is a rough way to make the transition.

    Have you looked into doing other things with your nursing skills? Legal Nurse Consulting, Case Management, etc? There are lots of options out there. Visit for more ideas.

    Andrew Lopez, RN

  3. #3

    Re: undecided....need help!

    Thank you for your input. I appreciate it.

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