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Thread: its official

  1. #1

    its official

    its official i am going to an 11 month program for there a requirement for lvn like become a cna first and LVN????? i hope not

    well my background is i was in a community college RN but its taking a lot of time to do it. maybe 3-4 years becuase of that waiting list (almost all the prerequisite for RN in my community college are full every semister) For LVN i was thinking after i become a LVN i can go to a school to do LVN - RN bridge. much easier and plus making enough money for it too. also experience wise. arghh i should have think of that before i went to community college.

    If you are a LVN please give me some advice on how to handle the classes

    thanks bryan

    PS: a lot of people told me go for RN because you might not go back to school. wel thats for them cuz probabaly they have a child or someone to take care of. i am single, 24 years of old male. i can do night shifts and continue on to go to school ...god willing at age 27 or less i can have a RN degree.
    also after LVN i can save enough money to support myself and to go to school. not unlike right now, going to community college classes closess immiedietely and making not enough money for it.. pathethic huh i would rather go to i relaized it depends on the situations why people want to go to RN first because they are already making good money.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Re: its official

    Don't know where you live, but what worked for me was to find an AD school with a ladder program. I worked part-time as a nursing assistant for the first 4 quarters, then as an LPN to get me through the RN program which only took another 3 quarters. Just avoid the mistake of stopping at LPN when you start making a little money or you'll seriously regret it later. I got into school a lot sooner than expected by showing up every day to let them know I was ready to go on short notice if someone didn't show up or dropped out of a new class. You can't worry about the saving money thing. I did a work- study program between classes and have some not so fond memories of living in a delapidated trailer and eating home-made bread and peanut butter for weeks at a time. You can't have a life and go to nursing school too. Live later, it does get better.
    Good Luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    New Jersey

    Re: its official

    Waiting lists for programs are going to become a bigger and bigger issue as time goes on.

    My advice is usually to go for RN first, but in that type of situation (do LPN or wait years for RN spot to open) it could be the smart move.

    Andrew Lopez, RN

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