There is a lovely story told about a famous art collector who learned that his son had been killed in the war, killed saving the life of another soldier. Some time past and the soldier who survived and who himself was an amateur painter, gave the art collector a simple portrait he'd sketched of his son. It was nothing like a masterpiece but it became very special to the man in his loneliness.

When the art collector died, his paintings were put up for auction according to his will and to everyone's surprise the auction began with this simple sketch of the man's son.

"Who will open the bidding with £50?" the auctioneer asked and nothing was offered. Someone suggested that they moved on to the more expensive items, the auctioneer said "No! We have to sell this one first."

Eventually a friend of the old man-not a collector and not very rich offered a small sum saying "I knew the boy and I'd like to have it".

"Will anyone go higher?" called the auctioneer. There was silence and so the auctioneer said "Going once, going twice, gone". People sighed with relief thinking that they could now get on with the real business.

The auctioneer then looked at the audience and said that the auction was over. There was stunned disbelief.

It's very simple said the auctioneer, "According to the will of the father, whoever takes the son gets all".

The Bible says (2 Cor 9v15) that Jesus Christ, God's Son, is our heavenly father's indescribable gift and if you receive Christ you receive all.

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Andrew Lopez, RN
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