Can anyone answer this question or direct me to where I can get an answer regarding my nursing license. I am licensed in NJ and Pa. Last May, 2004, I sent in my NJ license renewal. It must have gotten lost because there is no bank documentation of that check ever being cashed, and it is missing from my checkbook and listed as being written out to the BON.
However, six months later I received a letter from the BON stating my license was 'suspended' for failure to renew. On the application they sent me to renew, it asks for a signature from a supervisor where I am currently employed. I have not been working while recovering from multiple injuries related to a MVA, however, I didn't want my license to be put on inactive status. Do I have to prove I am working to have my license renewed and placed on active status or will it automatically go into 'inactive status' because I am not currently working. I can't seem to find anyone to direct this question to. I would appreciate any help you can give me in getting an answer to this question ASAP. The BON won't answer the question when I call unless I give them my name and I don't want to do that until I know the 'rules'. Thank you, L.G.RN