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Thread: Just for Today

  1. #91
    Member Extraordinaire
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    Re: Just for Today

    Laurie, I would suggest going to a pain management clinic- it's worrisome that your doctor told you that the ONLY way to treat the pain is with a narcotic. There are other avenues of pain relief, and a good pain-management physician can help you explore some non-narcotic ways of dealing with your pain...

    There are plenty of non-narcotic medication out there, plus there's steroid injections, nerve blocks, acupuncture, biofeedback, etc...
    Amanda, RN, BSN
    Ex-Traveler Extraordinaire,
    Resident Trauma Queen

  2. #92

    Re: Just for Today

    Laurie, I totally agree with Amanda on this. I don't know what type of doctor you are seeing, but you really need a team of health care providers to deal with your various issues: you need a pain specialist working with a neurologist and a CD counselor and a nutritionist at the minimum. PLUS someone to deal with the Lymes disease issues too.

    There are ways other than narcs to deal with severe pain and you need someone who can find some non-addictive treatment modalities that will work for you.

    Meditating may help: if you can find a chair yoga class that you can participate in it should help you start to feel better and improve your health. I actually use essential oils to help me with pain; I'm one of those people who can't use narcotics because I like breathing better plus I'm also allergic to the NSAIDS. When Extra Strength Tylenol is all I can use for pain I've had to look at some of the complementary medicines for help.

  3. #93
    Senior Member lpRN13108's Avatar
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    Re: Just for Today

    Thanks for the great suggestions ladies. I have been thinking about seeking alternative treatment methods. I don't like taking Vicodin but sometimes the pain is so bad I have no choice. I am going to get myself a CD for meditation too so maybe that will help. I reached 30 days without alcohol yesterday..but does that count for sobriety when I have started taking Vicodin again. I only take it as prescribed but still I am using narcotics?

    "Man can Live without food for about 40 days,without water for about 3 days,and without air for about 8 minutes..but only 1 second without hope" -Hal Linden

  4. #94
    Member Extraordinaire
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    Re: Just for Today

    I'm not a recovering addict or alcoholic, so I'm not sure how those in the recovery community would view the Vicodin... but regardless, you going 30 days with no alcohol is a HUGE accomplishment- CONGRATULATIONS!!!
    Amanda, RN, BSN
    Ex-Traveler Extraordinaire,
    Resident Trauma Queen

  5. #95

    Re: Just for Today

    It's all one step at a time. Laurie. CONGRATULATIONS indeed! Did you get your 30 day medallian?

    I would ask someone in your AA group about the vicodin

  6. #96
    Senior Member lpRN13108's Avatar
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    Feb 2008

    Re: Just for Today

    Thanks you guys..his has really been bothering me..I didn't get my 30 day chip yet because I wasn't sure wether it was still real sobriety. My sponsor and my counselor both told me that as long as I am only taking the Vicodin as prescribed and only to help with physical pain and NOT emotional is not abuse. I am taking it for a very real painful health condition..and until I see someone in the pain management clinic for alternative treatment it is acceptable that I take it. I felt better after talking to them and reading your e-mails..thanks again.

    "Man can Live without food for about 40 days,without water for about 3 days,and without air for about 8 minutes..but only 1 second without hope" -Hal Linden

  7. #97

    Re: Just for Today

    Laurie, some of the complementary treatments I use for pain are Capsaicin cream on my legs and joints for muscle and bone pains (READ directions carefully; do NOT get this on your face, genitals, or use excessive amounts!). And some expensive essential Lavender oil (the kind I like is by Windmere, it costs about $12-14for 1/3 ounce; but it lasts a long time because you just use a drop or 2 at a time). I use the lavender oil for migraines and joint pain.

    Capzasin Cream is a topical analgesic. Exactly how it works is unknown, but it is thought to decrease the amount of a certain substance (substance P) that transmits pain in the body.

    Human clinical studies have reported that lavender essential oil may be helpful in a variety of conditions, including insomnia, alopecia (hair loss), anxiety, stress, postoperative pain, and as an antibacterial and antiviral agent. Lavender oil is also used together with other forms of integrative medicine, such as massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic manipulation.

    Neither is addicting; and both work for me with extra strength tylenol and sometimes bio-feedback (if I'm able to concentrate).

    This is why I suggested a pain clinic; a good evaluation of what will work for you really helps.

  8. #98

    Re: Just for Today

    How are you doing Laurie? I noticed you haven't posted in nearly a week; I hope that you are doing okay.

    I'm sending healing thoughts and prayers your way that you are still working your program one day at a time.

  9. #99
    Senior Member lpRN13108's Avatar
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    Re: Just for Today

    I am still sober Jenn. thanks for caring. I have had some trouble with taking the vicodin more often then I need it but I am trying to control my use. I do need it for the pain but the feeling of numbness is a great escape from the emotional pain as well. My husband is starting to keep track of how often I take it and he is trying to regulate me as well. I am going to try the 2 alt. methods you told me about as I have not tried them yet..I'll let you know how it goes. I have been really busy with my grandmother who is very near death now and just haven't had a lot of time to post here..sorry to make you worry. I will try to update daily again. Thanks for being a friend

    "Man can Live without food for about 40 days,without water for about 3 days,and without air for about 8 minutes..but only 1 second without hope" -Hal Linden

  10. #100
    Member Extraordinaire
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    Feb 2005

    Re: Just for Today

    Hey, Laurie- good to hear you're still sober! I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother- I know it must be a lot to deal with in your situation, but keep going to meetings & lean on your loved ones- they will get you through this!

    About the Vicodin- I really think you need to go to a pain clinic so you can get on some non-narcotic meds, or explore other methods of pain relief. I fear you are jeapordizing your sobriety by staying on them...
    Amanda, RN, BSN
    Ex-Traveler Extraordinaire,
    Resident Trauma Queen

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