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Thread: Pissed at instructor

  1. #11

    Re: Pissed at instructor

    I'll probably get flamed for saying this; but nursing isn't easy and when you are caring for patients, there aren't any easy answers. No one will spoonfeed you the correct answers of how to care for a crashing patient before the docs get there; it's up to you to know how to assess and prevent further problems before they happen.

    I know that nursing school is tough; but buckle down and study hard and you will get through it. This instructor may be doing you a favor by making you think about what you are studying and figure out what is pertinent and what isn't.

    There isn't a Power Point in the world that will help you when you're an RN out on the floors with a full load of patients, trying to juggle everything (patients, families, MDs and schedules) hitting you at the same time.

    I'm old (or "seasoned," if you prefer that term), and I remember spending WAY too much time in the library trying to find the answers for study questions that weren't even in our text books. Our instructors told us repeatedly that patients don't follow any sort of "average" or "normal" ideals; so we had to think of them as individuals and learn to think for ourselves.

    To this day whenever I think about nursing school, it triggers memories of the musty old library smells from back then!

  2. #12
    Junior Member
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  3. #13
    Senior Member orionseal's Avatar
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    Re: Pissed at instructor

    Quote Originally Posted by pharmgirl View Post
    I have an instructor for Anatomy & Physiology who is exactly like that. He is the dreaded professor on campus and no one ever takes his class unless all the others are full. I was scared at first but have now figured out his tests/teaching style etc., and know what he wants from us. He tells us that he is preparing us for the program because no one will spoon feed us information there. He's tough but the only thought that helps me keep an A in there is....the more I learn now, the more prepared I will be for the NCLEX and for my career.
    Sounds like Dr. Bellows from A.C.C.

  4. #14
    Senior Member orionseal's Avatar
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    Re: Pissed at instructor

    Quote Originally Posted by jive shaman View Post
    She's making my nursing class way more difficult than it needs to be. The chapters in our text book are on average 60 pages long ,and she just reads the whole chapter from a power point ,and won't tell us what to know for the test. She basically just tells us to know the whole chapter inside and out because any question could be on it.

    Every teacher I have besides her tells us what to specifically review in the chapter for the test.

    plus she is refusing to give us a studyguide for the midterm! another thing that every teacher ,but her is doing.
    Some good thaughts comming at ya from all sides here kiddo, but in your deffence I will say this.

    "Those who can, DO. While those who can't, TEACH."

    I had an instructor from hell too. She spent two years in O.B. and thirty years teaching Parent/Child Nursing.

    She worked with a relative of mine who refused to speek of her because of what was thaught of her on the floor.

    "And thats all I've got to say about that." (Forest Gump)

  5. #15
    Junior Member
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    Re: Pissed at instructor

    I had an instructor exactly like that. she would say we are adult learners so read and review everything. It is what it is.

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