This is just a broad question because I wonder about the boundaries between the 2 extremes here.

I have a brother who is a severe alcoholic. Last summer he was here for 3 months doing the "90 meetings in 90 days" through AA. He is back in treatment again; but also has some severe depression and suicidal tendencies this time around.

I've offered to let him come here and go through this again; and I don't feel bad about offering him this chance again. He did well in this program; he was happy and hopeful when he left here last fall. Unfortunately, he went back to his hometown and I told him that I was concerned because he would be returning to a place where it would be easy for him to fall back into old habits. His kids have grown up and moved away; he's lost his jobs there; I don't care where he goes I just don't think he should return to that particular town. He's had a long term relationship with a woman there who says she has washed her hands of him, but she always takes him back.

I've welcomed him here again; he doesn't like this area of the country; but I just wonder what or how to help him IF he decides to come here again and completes the program. He's an adult, I can't change his mind for him; and there is no way I can force him to move somewhere else. He is very talented in several fields so would be able to earn a living once he would get set up somewhere. He once mentioned to me about moving near his kids, I did encourage him to do that.

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.