I would like to use this spot to get ideas on how to maintain accurate charting in a very hectic environment. So any suggestions would be appreciated. First lets deal with the accu check problem. How have other nurses handled these problems successfully 100% of the time?
1)pt has an early dinner and doesn't tell you
2)You have 7 accu checks to do, some are leaving the floor as you go down the hall for what ever reason
3)You have 7 accu checks to do, some are leaving and a new admit rolls off the elevator
4)A pt. turns bad at the same time that you have 7 accu checks to do as some are leaving the floor and the new admit rolls off the elevator
5)one of the diabetics is showing signs of hypoglycemia, accu check is 40, as the pt turns bad at the same time you have 6 other accu checks to do while they are leaving the floor and the new admit rolls off the elevator