I am desperately looking for a job, something that pays more than 10.00$/hr. I've been use to 40.00$/hr as a ICU nurse for the last 20 years. I have had to use up my retirement fund and every bit of my savings just to keep afloat. My husband had his leg amputated a few years ago, he's only 44 yrs. old. Anyway, there was alot of narcotics around the house at that time, sometimes I would come home from work at 01:00am and my back would be killing me so I would take one of his pills. It worked, tooo well. Well that went on for years, and one morning, at the end of my night shift, someone thought I looked sleepy, too sleepy. Which was true, I had not been getting enough sleep that week. Therefore I got turned in to the NBd. and had my license taken away because my UA was positive for narcotics. I went to rehab-mandated by the board. That was a waste of time!! I am not usually a negative person but this has been the worst year of my life. I have been a nurse for 22 years and I can't even get a job as a poison control nurse that anwers phones, without any pt. contact. They say they have to protect the public from me. Then why can't I have a limited license- with no pt contact. My next move is to have my house foreclosed and live on the streets. My health insurance, myself alone was 1,700$/month. I could not keep that up, that's for sure.
Please, I need a job.
I live in Oregon.
\ Sincerely, Beth R.
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