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Thread: New Nurse, well, kind of

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    New Nurse, well, kind of

    Hi Everyone,
    I'm an new RN graduate, and I'm having a terrible time finding a job. I actually have a decent amount of experience because I've worked in a rural hospital for a year as an IV certified LPN, and the six months before that as a CNA. While I was an LPN, I fourtunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, functioned as an RN. The only thing I didn't do was the IV push meds. I was even assigned care to patients receiving blood and on heparin drips, and my coveing RN's were barely involved. They, as well as my boss, justified this because I was an RN student, and they all felt I was prepared enough to do it. I've beefed up the experience section on my resume the best that I can, but it's not seeming to do any good. I have applied to multiple travel agencies, and am getting good feedback at this time, as most seem to be accepting the experience that I do have. But, should this fall throug, does anyone have any advice on getting a job as a new grad? Or, any advice from travel nurses out there would be helpful too. Thanks a million!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: New Nurse, well, kind of

    Hi welcome,
    In order to travel nurse 1 year of experience is required for RN.
    And alot of hospitals want more than that.
    To be realistic about you having experience, it is not the same as functioning as an RN. You need to develop assessemnt skills , decision making, and a million other things.
    You can travel as an LPN, there are a few jobs out there but that will not help you develop your RN Role.
    Keep looking for hospitals that hire graduates EVEN if you have to move.
    Things are tight right now.
    Good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Cool Re: New Nurse, well, kind of

    :60: Welcome to the site. I would have to agree that you should focus your efforts on finding new grad positions, even if you have to move. Travel positions are not as easy to get at this time because of the economy, although I wonder about that looking at all the postings that Aaron has been adding to the site lately. Good luck with your job hunt.

  4. #4
    Member Extraordinaire
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Re: New Nurse, well, kind of

    As KDog said, you will need at LEAST 1 year of RN experience (most places want more) to travel. Many hospitals (especially in the Midwest) are on hiring freezes right now, so the job market is tight- you are competing for jobs with very experienced nurses. Keep applying to every position you find, and you may need to consider relocating.
    Amanda, RN, BSN
    Ex-Traveler Extraordinaire,
    Resident Trauma Queen

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    New Jersey

    Re: New Nurse, well, kind of

    Hello Shelli,

    I would keep applying and bide your time. We still have a minimum of a year to go before the economy turns around. Till then hospitals and nursing homes are going to have a lot of empty beds.

    There are areas that are chronically short-staffed like South Texas and other areas that offer sign-on bonuses regardless of the economy. If you're looking for baptism under fire, they are an option.

    Otherwise, look also into nontraditional area. Doctors offices, Clinics, etc.

    Most travel agencies will want 1-3 years of acute care experience as an RN before you can travel with them.

    Best of luck,

    Andrew Lopez, RN

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