I think this can be considered 'tips' in a way. Putting things in a certain spot would help..... http://newsok.com/declutter-helps-ho...rticle/3340242

For nurses at Mercy Health Center, getting rid of a bit of clutter has led to a bunch of savings — in time.

A new organizational system has eliminated the clutter in many of the nurses' offices and storage areas. That has let them work more efficiently and spend more time with patients, said Pam Spanbauer, nursing director.

For example, having quick access to a stapler is estimated to possibly save one group of nurses about 21 hours of labor a year.

Before workspaces were retooled with better shelving and labeling, some office supplies were hard to find at Mercy. In nurse manager Emily Eriksson's workspace, the stapler now is kept next to a label on her desk, while the “computer on wheels” is kept next to a sign on the wall that says COW.

At nursing stations, blankets and bed pads are kept in cupboards near the doors so they'll be easier to grab — which should save miles of foot travel each day through hospital halls.
“It's a huge timesaver,” Eriksson said. “Our nurses feel less stressed.”