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Thread: New guy sayin' HI

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    New guy sayin' HI

    Howdy everybody!!

    I'm 26, just getting into this whole nursing thing. I start my CNA course in October. (It is a pre-req for RN here). I'm looking forward to it, mostly because I want to know if this is something I'll be interested in. (Kinda hopin' so!)

    After that, I'll probably be working on all of my other pre-reqs and possibly a spanish course or two for the next couple of years while I sit on the waiting list. I currently work full time, and will continue to do so throughout my schooling. (Yippeee!)

    Anyway, there's my life story (more or less). 'See' Y'all around!!

    **Edited to ask.........What's up with the smilies not working for me??

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Another new Guy here

    Sounds like you are from Texas Dude. Tennessee here. Glad to hear you are getting things underway. Tennessee doesn't require CNA prior to RN as far as I know. When I made the decision to change careers to nursing, I was working full time in an industrial office setting. I knew I had the desire for nursing but I went CNA first to make sure I had the stomach for it. I will never regret that decision no matter how high up the nursing food chain I ultimately progress. Not only did I get the hands on experience I personally needed, I will also have invaluable insight into what is required of the hard working individuals I will someday supervise. I am now in my 3rd Qtr of a 1 year vocational school LPN class and look forward to working in the field while going on to pursue my RN. I would love to have gone straight BSN but am having to take it one step at a time as funds allow. Best of luck on your path !

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2005


    I didn’t know that a CNA class was a requirement for a RN program. What is the rational?

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2005
    Thanks for the reply. I'll be entering an RN, ASN program, allowing students to test for LPN after the first of two years. (Straight to BSN won't work for me either). With any luck, I'll be able to quit my job (currently of 8 yrs.) and work as an RN while my employer pays for my BSN.

    Thanks for the reply. Yes, CNA is a prerequisite course here. Not positive on the rationale, but that's the way it is. Having been out of school for a while, I think it'll be a nice re-introduction to the whole environment for me (hopefully!).

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2005

    CNA required ?

    Well, required or not I think it's a good idea especially if a person has had little or no experience taking care of the most basic and intimate of human needs such as feeding, toileting, etc. I am not sure how much of that training is done in RN classes but I do know that a BSN friend told me she never did any ostomy care until after she had finished almost all her classes and was working as an extern in a hospital, and even then, she had only done one. Granted most of my training has been during LPN clinicals but I did my CNA class in a nursing home and it was only a week of classroom and a week of clinicals. The school based CNA classes I have heard of are more like 3 months long around here. I am sure you get much more detailed training there. More power to you Dude !

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