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Thread: Is this really what nursing is about?

  1. #11
    Junior Member
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    Thumbs up Re: Is this really what nursing is about?

    Hey Fab,

    Just wanted to encourage you to hang in there and follow your heart!

    Your situation reminds me a great deal of my own many years ago. I too took a leave of absence from my nursing program when I found my self frustrated and disheartened by the cruel, viscious "real world" I faced during clinicals. The old saying about nursing eating thier young didnt even come close - more like they slowly and methodicaly ripped the flesh from my bones as I lay in agony and bled to death! I didnt want to be a part of a profession that treated thier own like that.

    But during my semester off, I realized that my decision to become a nurse or not wasnt about "them", it was about me. My passion and desire to help those in need and make a positive difference in the lives of others gave me the strength and courage to return to school and complete my RN degree.

    That was 17yrs ago and I have not regreted my decision for a minute (well maybe momentarily once or twice lol). Sure there are a few nurses out there that should not be in nursing but I have met so many more that are absolutely wonderful and restore my faith in nursing and humanity each and every day! These women and men make me proud to be one of them.

    I'm now a nurse manager and educator and I've vowed to never forget what it was like to be that young nurse. We so desperately need good, caring nurses like you in our ranks and I just wanted to support and encourage you not let the actions of some keep you from following your would be a shame to lose you because of our own ignorance!

  2. #12
    Member Extraordinaire hppygr8ful's Avatar
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    Re: Is this really what nursing is about?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nursechic68 View Post
    Hey Fab,

    Just wanted to encourage you to hang in there and follow your heart!

    Your situation reminds me a great deal of my own many years ago. I too took a leave of absence from my nursing program when I found my self frustrated and disheartened by the cruel, viscious "real world" I faced during clinicals. The old saying about nursing eating thier young didnt even come close - more like they slowly and methodicaly ripped the flesh from my bones as I lay in agony and bled to death! I didnt want to be a part of a profession that treated thier own like that.

    But during my semester off, I realized that my decision to become a nurse or not wasnt about "them", it was about me. My passion and desire to help those in need and make a positive difference in the lives of others gave me the strength and courage to return to school and complete my RN degree.

    That was 17yrs ago and I have not regreted my decision for a minute (well maybe momentarily once or twice lol). Sure there are a few nurses out there that should not be in nursing but I have met so many more that are absolutely wonderful and restore my faith in nursing and humanity each and every day! These women and men make me proud to be one of them.

    I'm now a nurse manager and educator and I've vowed to never forget what it was like to be that young nurse. We so desperately need good, caring nurses like you in our ranks and I just wanted to support and encourage you not let the actions of some keep you from following your would be a shame to lose you because of our own ignorance!
    I remember during one of my clinicals in Nursing a school a nurse telling me to stand in the corner and watch and "Don't ask me any questions!" I swore I would always remember that. In my last job where I worked for 5 years I remember fellow nurses griping when they had to precept a new nurse or student. I believe part of the problem today is the shear workload (mounds of papaer) nurses have to deal with - but I loved working with new nurses and students, still do, though I'm not in acute care anymore. Benn thinking a lot about getting my Masters and teaching.

    Good luck to you


  3. #13
    Junior Member
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    Re: Is this really what nursing is about?

    Nursing can really suck. Plain and simple. That's why there's a nursing shortage.

    But if you genuinely like helping people, then stick with it. There's a niche for everyone. I was a floor nurse for about a year and a half. I was on the verge of quitting, then opted to go to ICU. Love it.

    I tell new nurses all the time that this is more than a job. You make hundreds of decisions that affect the patient's outcome and well-being. If you want to make a difference, you can.

    Once you hit your stride, you'll have a blast. I've really come into my own and overall enjoy what I do.

    But it sure ain't easy. When it's bad, it's bad.

    If you can find a good group of people to work with, that's half the battle. Right now, I work with a really good group of people and that makes all the difference in the world.

    Anyhoo, hope you stick to the path and keep with it. Just because other people suck doesn't mean you have to! And by your attitude, I know you don't!

  4. #14
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2010

    Re: Is this really what nursing is about?

    Thats health care for ya!


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