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Thread: advantage rn

  1. #1
    Facebook User
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    advantage rn

    Considering joining the world of travel.....I have been talking with Advantage RN....any advice?

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Thumbs up Advantage RN

    I have been traveling for 4 years and a little over 3 of those have been with Advantage RN. I really could not be happier with my experience. The travel opportunity has been great, pay is great and my recruiter has been top notch. My first year traveling was a nightmare and I felt perhaps the occupation wasn't for me. But since moving to Advantage and giving traveling "another" try, I have been very happy! Here's their site:
    Last edited by clare; 09-28-2010 at 08:32 AM.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Hi there - I am new to this website and a newer travel nurse. I've actually had a similar experience as Clare. In Dec, it will be 2 years since I started traveling. My first attempt was with a company that was just not the right fit for me. Much of what I was sold on turned out to be nothing more than a sales pitch. The housing they put me in was in a not so great area and it seemed my checks were always incorrect in one way or another.

    I am on my second assignemwnt with Advnatage RN and haven't experienced any of the issues some have mentioned in other posts. The recrutiers have always been very helpful and nice. The housing is fantastic, it's newer, private and close to my assignment. The pay is good and they offer benefits. For me it works. I would give them a call and chat, no harm in that. Good luck to you!

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2011
    anyone done anything with american mobile? any thoughts on them?

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Thumbs down Advantage RN- Awful

    Aweful, I recently signed a contract that I did not fully understand because my recruiter used alot of double talk, she told me that I would have a weekly stipend of 750.00 a week for housing, but the so called 750.00 is actually the non taxed version of my earned wages. THEY ARE NOT giving a housing stipend, between the 1100.00 I would spend a month for housing at the assignment and my rent at home it would cost me 1900.00 a month. So, after letting my recruiter know this and that this was not acceptable, she tried to make me feel guilty about getting ready to pull out of the contract. The overtime isn't even time and half it's only 7/hr more than my base pay. I sent the recruiter an email after our conversation who claimed she forwarded the email to her supervisor who was suppose to call me, and has yet to do so. So, I'm pulling out of the contract. Period. It is NOT a contract that is in my best interest. They've not offered any bonuses, are not paying for travel reimbursement and only stated they would reimburse me for the state licensure when I brought it up. After dealing with this mess for two and half weeks, they just can't seem to get it. They're all about hoarding the money for themselves. As, I'm sure they are getting a pretty penny for this contract. There are times when there are too many red flags about a situation to ignore, because when you do you will in the end TRULY regret it. So, as a rule for 2012, life is too short to have too many regrets.

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