So the Oklahoma Board of Nursing sends me a letter which contains an affidavit of citizenship confirmation or something to that effect...

I'm okay with that. I think everyone who works in the United States should be doing so LEGALLY. I've stated that many times.

My rant really has nothing to do with that. That just brings me to it.

So please allow me for a moment to :angry-nurse:

I filled out the form and went and had it notarized and sent it in. I'm sure you all have done this or something similar and I'm sure you have used a notary public before. They look at and verify all of your information, etc. before they stamp it.

Well I get my form returned to me in the mail.

WHY? :nurse-idk:

Because my signature was illegible. MY SIGNATURE!

They have my name, address, social security number, license number, everything. AND it was FREAKING NOTARIZED.

And yet they send it back because of the signature!!!????

Why in the hell does my signature need to be legible? Do they not know who I am already?

Do they think that maybe it was FORGED or not legitimate or something because it was hard to read and that it :nurse-eddie:? I mean, ANYONE...anyone can sign someone else's name. My kid could have signed my name and there is no way they would EVER know the difference, whether it was legible or not.

And this person, whoever conspired to pass off this potential forgery would have had to know my name, address, date of birth, and license number.

That can't be the reason.

So what could it be?

I'm guessing some woman down at the Board of Nursing (see: :grinch-nurse is solely in charge of this task and she feels like it's her only power in life over people so she looks for every teeny tiny reason to exert that power. If so, that person can bite me

I know this is a very petty little rant, and there very well could be a legitimate reason they need to actually read EVERY FREAKING LETTER IN MY NAME, but if there is I can't freaking think of it.

I sign my name a hundred times a day. I'm used to signing it that way. They don't need to see every letter of my name. If they want that, they can look above on the damn form.

And if I sign it any different than I did, THEN IT'S NOT MY SIGNATURE!!!

So do you want me to legibly sign my name or do you WANT MY SIGNATURE? Which is it?

I don't know why this irritates me so bad, but it does.

I took it back to the notary and RESIGNED it and had it notarized AGAIN and sent it to them.

And that's another thing! They didn't say I needed it to be notarized again, but I wasn't taking any chances.

But if the form wasn't good enough the first time, WHEN I SIGNED IT IN FRONT OF A NOTARY PUBLIC, then why would the form be any good now after signing it AGAIN, NOT in front of a notary public?

If there was no need to have it notarized the second time, and the form wasn't acceptable the first time, doesn't that mean that there was really no point in having it notarized the first time?

Isn't the only reason you sign it in front of a notary so that you affirm that it is in fact YOU and they are verifying that it is in fact you? That's a rhetorical question. That is the only reason.

So if that's why you do that, and I did, why would the legibility of my signature matter? It's me. I signed it. They saw me. The info is all correct.

I'm sorry if I have offended anyone with my little rant and I apologize in advance. I will now get off my :nurse-soapbox:.