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Thread: Lay offs in Hospitals???

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2002

    Lay offs in Hospitals???

    Their have been lay offs,and more coming in my area. They are still hiring nurses and tell me it won't affect pt care. How can this be? I am so very concerned about the situation as it was. I have been joining all kinds of boards, councils,and committee's trying to learn all I can to be a part of some solution. The situation is surely getting climatic. Is it pre-war economy? Lets share free thoughts and concerns here. Maybe we can stumble on some helpful solutions for daily work, and national awareness. Is it possible to condense and improve pt care?

  2. #2

    Re: Lay offs in Hospitals???

    Hey Judy, I know where your coming from. My wife has worked at the same hosp for about 18 years and we have watched them go thru various periods of lay-offs. fortunately she hasnt been caught up in them. But your right, it has to effect patient care because most of the layoffs start at the bottom and work up. From housekeping, tech's , lower level lab people. And all of this causes crap to run uphill untill it gets to the patient. But all of these things directly effect pt care. It's the admin mentality of we have no idea how to make this work without just slashing jobs, and then wonder why everyone gets chapped when pt care is compromised.this is a good vent subject Judy. Have a great week end.


  3. #3
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    Re: Lay offs in Hospitals???

    Off yesterday and today, Working hard over the weekend. They laid off from the top and the bottom. We will have trickle up and trickle down. They get them in and out so fast it has us already at a very dangerous situation anyway. I don't know what I believe they should do with the sick who need admitted when we are too busy caring for the ones already there, I go home blaming myself when I have to ignore some to get more. God Help Medicine...

  4. #4

    Re: Lay offs in Hospitals???

    I know what you mean. I have some LPN's and others in my classes. There is probably about 60 of us who will be getting our interviews with nursing school to get all our apps submitted properly. We all talk about being stretched to thin and will it be worth it. Sort of like how can you help everyone when ur short staffed. My reply is you can;t help everyone, you just have to do the best you can and help all of those you can. If you can only make a diff in one persons life, or their death, on any given day. Then thats one more for the good guys. One day, one person at a time. One lady that i have 2 classes with was telling me that when she was working as an aid, she had a lady die and she felt sooo bad because she didnt think she did enough. And I asked her if what she did do made the passsing for this lady better, and she told me that she was the only contact this lady had, and she enjoyed it when she came on duty, and when she passd away they were together. A diff can be made even in death, and she did make a diff. So one day, one person at a time. Do what you can every day

  5. #5
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    Re: Lay offs in Hospitals???

    Oh Jerry you said that so well. Thank you I needed that just now. I do go home most of the time feeling good about some care I did, above the usual. Sometimes its something as simple as taking the time, I do not have, to feed a feeder I see no one it trying with. Sometimes it just takes a couple of meals into a stomach that has been empty for a long time to turn the entire outcome around. But when three other people are upset with you because you did not have that time for them, it is hard to keep telling yourself the one is important and the good you did is still good.
    Thanks again.

  6. #6

    Re: Lay offs in Hospitals???

    Judy, it seems that the ones complaining were in pretty good shape if they could get that vocal. I'm a firm believer that there are forces greater than anything we can understand going on around us all the time. You can call it divine intervention, fate, spiritual guidance from a former life, whatever u feel comfortable with. But i think there is always a reason why we do certain things, whether its just spending time with a certain pt, or the time a sacker spends with the older lady when hes taking her groceries to her car, just being there when needed. someone or something else is the driving force behind that. My opinion is go with the flow and let who or whatever it is use you however they see fit.


  7. #7
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    Re: Lay offs in Hospitals???

    Thanks again Jerry, They are putting so much pressure on us to get our charting done as soon as possible so we can get out on time. But my phone keeps ringing as soon as I start charting, A pt or family member wants something or to talk to me. I called the CA and she agreed to take my phone so I could chart and get off work faster and safe them money. She was not able to go help my patients like I would have. I got my charting almost all done all the while feeling miserable knowing my pts needed this or that but the company needed me gone fast. I will take this to the head nurse. I was really feeling miserable. I felt they need to choose do they want me gone or pt care. I told them I was miserable. I will not make that choice agian. If my higher power tends to this I will be put someplace in the right time even if I get fired. But I sincerely do not believe that would happen.
    They know who the people are who are really working.
    Thanks for the reminders.

  8. #8

    Re: Lay offs in Hospitals???

    You like to think and believe that they are more concerned with the pt than the bottom line, but way to many things occur to make you wonder. All we can do is keep plugging Judy and let the course be ran. Would have thought these threads we are running would bring in a few more responses. come on folks, life is to short to sit on the sidelines.

    Have A Great Day



  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Re: Lay offs in Hospitals???

    Jerry, I sure have enjoyed the communication with you. Would love to have more input. Wonder what the students on line are thinking. You have encouraged me when I get down though and I thank you genuinely for that. Alll Aboard..Everyone

  10. #10
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    Re: Lay offs in Hospitals???

    Addendum: I went to the head Nurse today and talked about all the pressure to cut down on time and get the charting done when the pts are asking for us. I now believe if I keep a log of the small things and BIG things that slow me down, she may be able to use it to find more efficient ways to get a job done. I feel better about it knowing something I can do to get some control over the situation during these trying times. Anyone else got any ideas on quality fast nursing... The problem is documenting all the things that slow ya down, slows ya down...

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