Aw stupid people don’t you just love them. First lets begin in the library. I go into the library to avoid distraction and noise. Unfortunately some “children” were never taught this and decide to gossip instead of studying which was distracting me and pretty much pissing me off. They were only concerned with *****ing about the students that were walking thru the grass and not using sidewalk….when all the while i wanted to shout oh you mean people like you who can’t follow simple rules like don’t chit chat at the top of your lungs while others are working on papers that should have been done yesterday? GRRR i was trying to be good.
Then i was carrying my computer and purse in one arm and hotdog (quick lunch) and dragging my book bag with the other. The schools doors are set up so that you can push a handicap button and the door opens. It was amazing when I would push the button how many rude people with nothing in their hand would slide in and cut me off the one with all the crap in my hands…course one of those idiots was from class and was loud enough while *****ing to a friend for her to get the point.
Awww the 20 items or less line…the line where most people can’t count. Mind you I will give you a 5 even 7 items over limit. But freaking 40 some seriously need to go back to kindergarten and count
Today…the award of Goes to my soon to be ex eye doctor. I took the oldest and me to the eye doctor. We finally were able to be covered by one of the eye doctors in town. Keeping me from having to travel 45miles out of my way I was excited. Plus I had hoped that they could figure out what was up with my eyes hurting all the time. They check my eyes and daughters and guess what no more puff in the eye test…they have an easier one now. They go over our History of eye diseases and check our eyes. First I always thought you checked the eyes before you dilate them. Because I don’t know about you I really can see well after that. Then we get done got to the glasses show room where I have to sign a wavier because i refused to change my frames. Hello there isn’t anything wrong with them. “well over years the metal gets stressed and can break and we have you sign this in case your glasses get broken when we install the lenses.” Okay whatever I sign it. Next she tries to add crap that I don’t want on my glasses so she can jack the prices up. UH i don’t think so. When we are done It comes to a total of 140 dollars. Not to bad. Well it will be a week but still its about the same here as the other place I go. We go check out only to find out it comes to like 400 dollars…what the hell???? I find out my severe dry eye is a medical condition. 30dollar co-pay from my medical insurance. And because they did it thru the medical…instead of the eye insurance I haven’t met my deductible. Which mean the eye test they did aren’t covered that will be 200 dollars. So I pissed them off when I stated that I won’t be getting my glasses. “well ma’am you really need those glasses.” Course being the smart ass i am stated of course I know that but I guess you kind of screwed me by giving me this ridiculous bill for my exam. Then I find out that my daughter has been classified as medical because she has eye hypertension? HUH? the stupid doctor didn’t even mention that in the exam. She told me everything looked great. What the frigg? Well I guess the figured I was pissed and they took off the co pay for her. So anyway she got new lens and me just got to pay for my exam…thanks grrr:crazy1: