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Thread: "Dude, Im a nurse"

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2009

    "Dude, Im a nurse"

    Well, that's what I want to be able to say in 2 1/2 years or so. I came hear to ask if someone can help me with the issues I'm having.

    I have a BA in English. I took little to no science the first time around. The problem is, many of the nursing schools here in PA require I finish my science prereq's before they will consider me for admission.

    The problem with THAT is...each school requires different prereq's!

    This makes is kinda difficult. I mean, how do I know what prereq's to take if I don't know which school I will end up attending?

    I graduated in English from Temple U with a freakin 3.74 however no school will commit to me, so how am I supposed to know what to do? School A wants me to take Statistics and School B wants Nutrition instead of Im sort of stuck here.

    Can anyone help me? How did you make the transition? The local community college advisor was useless in helping get a grasp on the prereqs. Uggghhh...

  2. #2
    Member Extraordinaire
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    Re: "Dude, Im a nurse"

    I would look at all of the possible schools you want to attend, and take whichever prereq's the majority of them require. If you really can't decide between them (such as the one that requires stats, or the one that requires nutrition), I would just take both classes just to be safe. That way you will be able to apply to whichever school you like.
    Amanda, RN, BSN
    Ex-Traveler Extraordinaire,
    Resident Trauma Queen

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Re: "Dude, Im a nurse"

    Wow, I just looked at my post and saw all the grammatical errors! Wow! Do I REALLY have a degree in English? Hear instead of here! Omg that's sad...

    Thanks for the advice. I guess I will start my 1st semester with classes that are common to all programs and then take it from there.

    Another question:

    What kind of volunteer opportunities can I pursue in a hospital setting?? Im hoping to find a place that will possibly allow me to shadow an RN for an hour or so each time I volunteer.

    Anyone have any ideas? Im from Philadelphia...

  4. #4
    Member Extraordinaire
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    Feb 2005

    Re: "Dude, Im a nurse"

    Many nursing schools have programs where you can shadow a nurse- I would start with the schools in your area.
    Amanda, RN, BSN
    Ex-Traveler Extraordinaire,
    Resident Trauma Queen

  5. #5

    Re: "Dude, Im a nurse"

    Five years ago I was sitting where you are. I went with the path of least resistance and chose an ADN program since their pre-reqs were few compared to BSN programs, but then again I already have a BS in Healthcare Administration. It seemed to me that many of the basic science pre-reqs were the same (full year of A&P and Micro-Biology). After that Genetics, Organic Chem are also common. I would look at all the programs and see all the similar courses and knock those out first. By then you might leaning towards one program or another and then finish up.

    Best of Luck!
    Barry Manilow didn't write I Write The Songs. Bruce Johnston did.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2009

    Re: "Dude, Im a nurse"

    Take both of them. Nutrition is an easy course and will be helpful for your personal well-being. I took it at a community college that offered it online and it was cake. Statistics will be required if you wish to further your education to post-grad level.

    Good luck with it


  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2009

    Re: "Dude, Im a nurse"

    So I've decided to just go with the main prereqs and cross my fingers!

    One other question that I want to ask that is a bit different from my original question:

    How can I shadow an RN? I really just want 1-2 hours of shadow time before I start my prereqs.

    How do I do this? Im located in Philadelphia if anyone is local and has a specific opportunity! I could be available for volunteering, but I really dont feel like going through an application/interview process just to shadow an RN for an hour or two.


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